Governance and Management

The Governance and Management section of the website links to the University of Salford policies and procedure documents that are available for public view.

Our Leadership and Governance

Professor Nic Beech is our Vice-Chancellor. He leads the University Leadership Team (ULT) who manage and oversee the running of the University of Salford and in the effective delivery of our strategic objectives. Members of the ULT are:

  • Professor Nic Beech, Vice-Chancellor
  • Professor Simone Buitendijk, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost
  • Julie Charge, Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Finance Officer
  • Jo Purves, Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic Development
  • Professor Simon Green, Pro Vice-Chancellor Research and Enterprise
  • Dr Maggie Scott, Interim Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education* 
  • Professor Allan Walker, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of School, Arts, Media and Creative Technology
  • Professor Vicky Halliwell, Interim Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of School, Health and Society
  • Professor Katy Mason, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of School, Salford Business School
  • Dr Brodie McAdam, Interim Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of School, Science, Engineering and Environment
  • Emma French, Chief Academic Services Officer and University Secretary
  • Mark Wantling, Chief Infrastructure Officer
  • Jonathan Winter, Chief People Officer
  • Jackie Njoroge, Chief Strategy and Data Officer
  • Dr Pradeep Passi, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Social Justice and Equity

* Job share with Professor Vish Maheshwari, Interim Pro Vice-Chancellor, Student Experience.  Dr Scott is the appointed member of University Leadership Team.


Governance is the means by which the University is formally organised and directed. It ensures transparency and accountability. The University CharterStatutes and Ordinances set out the principal roles and responsibilities of governance and management, supporting the effectiveness of decision-making processes. The Charter, approved by the Privy Council, establishes Council as the university's supreme governing body. The Statutes and Ordinances provide the constitutional framework that allows the University to govern its affairs. The Charter also establishes Senate as the “academic authority” of the University, with responsibility for overseeing teaching, learning and research.

The Scheme of Delegation outlines Council responsibilities, including those that can and are delegated and those that cannot be. Governance structures throughout the University ensure that legal compliance is maintained and that finances, risk and performance are effectively monitored.    

The University Secretary’s Office provide support for the development and operation of the scheme of corporate governance as well as related functions, including servicing Council and its committees, and the University Leadership Team meeting. 

The University maintains a Register of Interests and a Register of Gifts and Hospitality.  Details of how to request information about either register, can be found under the Register of Interests, Gifts and Hospitality Policy.

Extract of the Register of Interests outlining the current declarations of members of Council and University Leadership Team.