Research Culture

two colleagues in training

We are committed to supporting a vibrant and inclusive research culture that allows our people to develop into creative leaders. This culture is defined by the values, behaviours, expectations and attitudes that run throughout our research endeavours. It shapes the ways in which we engage with our collaborators, funders, and partners and is reflected in the ways in which our research efforts are recognised and rewarded.

Our programmes of support have been designed to develop talented researchers at all stages of their career. We award widening participation scholarships to some of our most capable post-graduate researchers every year and have appointed future research leaders to our University Fellows Programme.

We also provide funding for our staff to address research culture challenges or enhance existing practice. This work includes addressing issues of equity, diversity and inclusion, fostering best practice in career development and community building, enabling open research practices, and developing collaboration, not competition.

David Gilbert portrait

"I have found a supportive environment here at the University of Salford, especially for my research into the criminal justice vulnerabilities of individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). 

"As a result of the positive environment and support from senior colleagues, I was able to undertake research that resulted in valuable impacts on policy and practice. My research has been used as evidence in court cases and has also improved the support for around 700 children each year who enter care." 

Dr David Junior Gilbert, University Fellow and Salford PhD graduate

Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers

In 2010, we were one of a small group of institutions in the UK to first participate in and be awarded the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research award. As part of this award, our support and development of researchers is aligned to the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers, as we follow a comprehensive action plan to ensure that our activities are effective.  

Since first receiving this first award, we have prioritised our researcher development programmes, regularly evaluating what we do, which has ensured we continue to retain the award.

Integrity and Governance

Committed to delivering excellent research with impact, the University of Salford holds itself to the highest standards of research integrity through honesty, transparency and rigour.


Get in touch

For more information about our culture, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
