Annual report

Students working in a group around a table with laptops and a map of the world behind them

Learn more about our operating context and outlook, strategy, performance and governance. Plus, read a selection of highlights from the research, partnership and community work we undertook this year.

Our year in review

Our Annual Report provides an overview of our business model, strategic objectives and the key factors that influenced our performance in the year ending 31 July 2023. It also covers our leadership and governance structures, and gives insight into the decisions we made to meet our commercial and wider responsibilities.

Social and Economic Impact Report

Salford Untold: Our city, our region, your university

The University of Salford has a global reach, but we also share a history that is firmly embedded in the industrial past of Greater Manchester.

As we have grown as an institution, so too has our impact. Whether we’re transforming lives through education and research or working with partners to address major challenges like poverty, homelessness, low carbon and health innovation, our success stories are your success stories.

About this report

The economic data in our Social and Economic Impact Report comes from an assessment by Viewforth Consulting taken on our behalf. This report was compiled during the summer of 2018. The most recently available data was used, which came from the financial year 2016/17.

Other statistics have been taken from a range of sources, including the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), the Destination of Leavers from Higher Education survey (DHLE), UCAS and the National Student Survey (NSS).

For more information, please contact our Public Affairs Manager, John McKenna.