Student support services
We want you to enjoy your time studying here, but we understand that there may be times when you need a little extra support. Whether you need advice about accommodation, settling into student life, or just want a chat with our friendly Wellbeing team, we are here to help.
If you're a parent, carer or supporter of someone who has applied to study at Salford, we know you'll be keen to support them through this important transition. Visit our student supporters webpage for guidance on supporting your student with their application journey all the way through to starting university.

askUS is at the core of our student support service, offering information and advice on matters such as finance, wellbeing and counselling, accommodation and more. Once you’re a student here at Salford, if you have any worries, concerns, or need advice on a particular topic, askUS should be your first stop. You’ll find them in University House, on Peel Park campus, which is also home to Salford Students’ Union, as well as on the third floor of our MediaCity campus.
Get in touch before you arrive
If you’re hoping to join Salford and think that getting some extra support would help you during your time here, we’d advise that you contact us as soon as possible. The first step is arranging an appointment and the good news is that you don't need to wait until September for this - appointments are available throughout the summer. We're here to guide you through each step and there’s so much we can do now to support you before your arrival.
Examples of services available from askUS
Armed Forces
If you are considering studying at Salford and are a veteran, or have parent(s), carer(s), or a partner who are current or former UK Armed Forces personnel, you can read about the dedicated information and support available to you.
Care experienced and estranged students
We’re aware that many of our students do not have the support of their families while at university and we know that this can create barriers to success. At Salford, we have award-winning support in place for both care leavers and care experienced students (for example, if you have been in foster care or a residential unit) and for estranged students (students who have little, no, or a negative relationship with both parents).
We work nationally with organisations that offer advice about finance and applying for student loans, accommodation, and homelessness, offer emotional support, and work with your local authority or support worker to ensure your success at university.
For more information, take a look at our webpages for those who are care experienced or estranged.
Disability Inclusion Service
You can access support through our Disability Inclusion Service. Our advisers are here to help support you with any barriers you may face when accessing the campus, its facilities, your accommodation, or your studies. We assist students with specific learning difficulties, long-term medical conditions, mental health difficulties, neurodivergent conditions, physical or sensory impairments, mobility difficulties or temporary injuries.
We can meet with you to discuss the expectations of your programme and the range of support that may be available. You may also be eligible for support funded through Disabled Student Allowance (DSA), which we can discuss with you. Find out more on our Disability Inclusion Service webpage.
There’s a lot to consider when it comes to managing your money, tuition fees, living costs or student loans and grants. Our team can provide detailed information to help you understand what you’ll be entitled to pay, as well as what loans are available to support you. If you need advice or information about money matters, find out more on our money advice webpage.
Sanctuary seekers
We understand that applying to university can be daunting for any student, but for those who are seeking asylum or have been granted refugee status, there are even greater challenges too.
As an Article 26 University, we can offer a limited number of Article 26 scholarships each year and can also provide specialist advice and guidance on how both sanctuary seekers and refugees can access University or choose to study at Salford. For more information, visit our sanctuary seeking students webpage.
Students with children
For those students who are pregnant or balancing family life alongside your studies, there are a wealth of services available to help you achieve your learning goals, including Busy Bees nursery located on our Frederick Road campus. If you need additional support, find out more on our students with families webpage.
Support for carers
If you’re caring for someone whilst studying, we understand that balancing this alongside your studies can be very difficult. We are the first university in the country to offer an individual Carer Support Plan that can be adapted to your needs. We can also signpost you to local and national organisations that can provide practical and emotional support. For more guidance, visit our support for carers webpage.
Wellbeing, counselling and mental health support
We know that it can sometimes be easier to discuss your problems and worries with someone who isn’t a family member, friend, or tutor. Our Wellbeing Advisers can meet with you and assess any emotional or mental health support you may need, including transferring any current support you are receiving to local services or accessing counselling. Find out more on our wellbeing and counselling support webpage.
What other support is available?
Helping with your studies
We know that University can be a huge step from school or college and sometimes it may feel like you should know how to use journals straight away and how to reference your assignments. At Salford, there are lots of support services available to help new students with their studies:
- Our Library team offer a variety of programmes and workshops to help develop your academic skills and IT skills - check out their webpage for more information.
- Wordscope, our academic writing course, is designed to help students overcome common writing problems such as punctuation, sentence structure and paragraphing. You can read more on the Wordscope webpage.
- We also run MathScope, a comprehensive programme which provides you with free support on any type of mathematical or statistical problem you may come across in your chosen course - find out more on their webpage.
- We hold a variety of eLearning workshops which can help with learning at university, finding information, university assessments and essay success. Find out more on our skills webpage.
Each of the four academic schools at Salford also has a dedicated support team of Student Progression Administrators (SPAs). SPAs can help with anything and everything related to your studies, including help with exam results, reviewing your year-on-year progression, advice and guidance on academic regulations and any personal mitigating circumstances you may experience. Visit the school offices webpage to find out more information on the support that SPAs provide.
Support developing your career
We’re not just on hand to provide support for your studies, we’re also here to help make the most of your skills and experience and prepare you for your future career. At Salford, our dedicated Careers and Enterprise team can help you with your CV, learn how to best prepare for interviews, find jobs, internships and placements and develop your employability skills. As well as offering 1:1 appointments and careers workshops, students can also attend the Careers Hub drop-in service for advice.
Once you’ve graduated from Salford, the support doesn’t stop there. As Salford alumni, you’ll have access to a range of online resources, services, and opportunities to help you move forward in achieving your longer-term career goals. We can offer confidential 1:1 appointments, free access to LinkedIn learning tutorials, and even potential funding opportunities to support your start-up business or project.
Helping you feel at home
- Faith: Salford’s Faith Centre, based on our Peel Park campus, is open to students and staff of all faiths and none. We offer confidential advice, friendship, support and unique spaces for group worship, private prayer, personal reflection, relaxation, and spiritual help at times of need. To find out more including opening times, facilities and events, visit our faith webpage.
- International Students: If you’re an international student considering studying at the University of Salford, we have a range of support services available to you to help you settle in and make the most of your time here. We can advise on visa applications, collecting your visa and what to do once you arrive here. You can find more information by visiting our International Student webpage.
- LGBTQIA+: Salford is proud to have an active student body and staff who support the rights of our LGBTQIA+ community and seek to create a safe and welcoming environment. Our advisers are here to offer assistance and support to anyone wishing to express and explore their identity. You can find out more about the support available on our LGBTQIA+ students webpage.
Salford Students' Union

Our Students’ Union support services are here throughout your time at university to offer impartial and non-judgemental advice and help when you need it. From housing to health and wellbeing, mental health to academic appeals, the SU advice centre can help you seek support with a number of issues.
Rafiki is the Students’ Union’s peer support listening service. If you’re experiencing any problems while studying at Salford, you can talk to our student volunteers and will be signposted to the relevant support services on campus or externally who can help.
Meet some of the people who will support you
Support can mean different things to different people – and may be broader than you think. At Salford, support is offered by lots of different teams across the University, from askUS to our Students’ Union, to our friendly security team, who are consistently recognised and accredited for their efforts in keeping everyone safe on campus.
Meet just a few of the people who are here to help by watching our advice and guidance video.
Get in touch
If you need any further information and guidance about these services while you are applying to university, please contact the Recruitment Support team on +44 (0)161 295 4545
Once you're studying on campus, you can pop into University House to visit askUS in person, or contact the team directly:
- Via our askUS pages
- Over the phone on +44 (0)161 295 0023
- E-mailing
Our students have also put together a series of blogs talking about their journey to university, which you may find useful before you arrive on campus to begin your studies with us.