Glossary of terms
We've put a list of key terms together to help you find your way through library jargon.
Popular pages on the Library website
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An A-Z of library terms
Library card - Your student ID card is also your library card.
Loan allowance - How many items you can borrow at a time.
MFD - Multi-Functional Devices - The photocopy, print and scan machines.
Periodical - Also known as a Journal or Serial. A publication containing separate issues under one title. These form volumes, which can be published regularly or occasionally.
Plagiarism - Using someone else's work as your own, intentionally or unintentionally, due to not crediting the original source.
Print credit - Money on your account for printing, copying, and scanning. New students start with £2 of free credit. You can add more online with your bank card details.
Reading list - A list of resources that students are expected to read for their course.
Reference - An item you can only use in the library.
Referencing - Accurately recording the details of all resources used in academic writing, to acknowledge the work of others and avoid plagiarism.
Request - Asking for a book you want when all the copies are out on loan.
Return - To bring back an item that you have borrowed and discharge it from your library account.
Scan - To make a digital copy of an item.
SCONUL Access - A scheme that lets students and staff borrow or use resources at over 170 university libraries in the UK and Ireland.
Self-Service machines - Machines on the ground floor of Clifford Whitworth Library, near the courtyard. You use them to borrow books.
Shelf mark - See Classmark
Username - Required for accessing PCs, laptops and resources when off-site. Your username will have been sent in a registration email, and consist of three letters and three numbers.
USIR (University of Salford Institutional Repository) - A store of all research outputs by University of Salford staff and postgraduate researchers, accessible through Library Search.
Webinar - An online seminar where participants interact in real-time.
Wildcard - A symbol used in searches to find different spellings of a word, like organi*ation for organisation and organization.
Abstract - A short summary of a longer piece of work.
Article - A piece of writing in a journal, magazine or newspaper.
Assistive technology - Specialist technology empowering disabled students to work and access information independently.
Bibliography - A full list of the materials an author has used when researching their work.
Blackboard - The University's virtual learning environment (VLE).
Borrow - To check out a resource from the library.
Chapter - A numbered and/or titled section of a book, often listed on the contents page at the front.
Check out - Borrowing a resource from the library using your ID card.
Citation - A reference to a different piece of work used by an author in their own writing. Citations make it clear that another source has been used.
Classmark - The letters and numbers on the spine of a library item, used to arrange resources by subject. You can browse by classmark on Library Search.
Copyright - Legal restrictions on how much of a book may be copied, and for what purposes. Notices posted near the photocopiers explain these rules.
Database - A searchable electronic collection of resources like journal articles, books, and data, which you can use to find out about a subject you are interested in. You will find information about databases in Library Search.
Dewey Decimal Number - A number code that indicates the subject of a book, according to the Dewey Decimal Classification System.
Dissertation - A piece of original academic work, usually written for a bachelor's or Master's degree.
eBook (electronic book) - An electronic book available online. There can be print and electronic versions of a book, but some are online only.
Edition - A revised version of a publication. A book may go through a number of different editions. Each should have separate catalogue entries.
eJournal (electronic journal) - An electronic journal available online. There can be print and electronic versions of a journal, but some are online only.
Enquiry Desk - Staffed desks at Clifford Whitworth Library, Allerton Learning Space and Media City Library where we are happy to help.
Floors: - Clifford Whitworth Library has three floors, colour-coded to show their purpose:
- Ground floor (Red) - Enquiry Desk, IT desk, and collaborative study.
- First floor (Blue) - Collaborative study and Refreshment Room (kitchen).
- Second floor (Green) - Silent study.
ID Number - Your student ID number will begin with @00. Printed on your ID card, it is unique to you. You will need your ID card to borrow resources, and to enter the library outside of open access hours.
Inter-library loan - If the library does not have the book or item that you want, you can request it from another library.
ISBN - International Standard Book Number assigned by publishers to each edition of a book.
ISSN - International Standard Serial Number, a unique identifier for a periodical title.
Library card - Your student ID card is also your library card.
Loan allowance - How many items you can borrow at a time.
MFD - Multi-Functional Devices - The photocopy, print and scan machines.
Periodical - Also known as a Journal or Serial. A publication containing separate issues under one title. These form volumes, which can be published regularly or occasionally.
Plagiarism - Using someone else's work as your own, intentionally or unintentionally, due to not crediting the original source.
Print credit - Money on your account for printing, copying, and scanning. New students start with £2 of free credit. You can add more online with your bank card details.
Reading list - A list of resources that students are expected to read for their course.
Reference - An item you can only use in the library.
Referencing - Accurately recording the details of all resources used in academic writing, to acknowledge the work of others and avoid plagiarism.
Request - Asking for a book you want when all the copies are out on loan.
Return - To bring back an item that you have borrowed and discharge it from your library account.
Scan - To make a digital copy of an item.
SCONUL Access - A scheme that lets students and staff borrow or use resources at over 170 university libraries in the UK and Ireland.
Self-Service machines - Machines on the ground floor of Clifford Whitworth Library, near the courtyard. You use them to borrow books.
Shelf mark - See Classmark
Username - Required for accessing PCs, laptops and resources when off-site. Your username will have been sent in a registration email, and consist of three letters and three numbers.
USIR (University of Salford Institutional Repository) - A store of all research outputs by University of Salford staff and postgraduate researchers, accessible through Library Search.
Webinar - An online seminar where participants interact in real-time.
Wildcard - A symbol used in searches to find different spellings of a word, like organi*ation for organisation and organization.
Abstract - A short summary of a longer piece of work.
Article - A piece of writing in a journal, magazine or newspaper.
Assistive technology - Specialist technology empowering disabled students to work and access information independently.
Bibliography - A full list of the materials an author has used when researching their work.
Blackboard - The University's virtual learning environment (VLE).
Borrow - To check out a resource from the library.
Chapter - A numbered and/or titled section of a book, often listed on the contents page at the front.
Check out - Borrowing a resource from the library using your ID card.
Citation - A reference to a different piece of work used by an author in their own writing. Citations make it clear that another source has been used.
Classmark - The letters and numbers on the spine of a library item, used to arrange resources by subject. You can browse by classmark on Library Search.
Copyright - Legal restrictions on how much of a book may be copied, and for what purposes. Notices posted near the photocopiers explain these rules.
Database - A searchable electronic collection of resources like journal articles, books, and data, which you can use to find out about a subject you are interested in. You will find information about databases in Library Search.
Dewey Decimal Number - A number code that indicates the subject of a book, according to the Dewey Decimal Classification System.
Dissertation - A piece of original academic work, usually written for a bachelor's or Master's degree.
eBook (electronic book) - An electronic book available online. There can be print and electronic versions of a book, but some are online only.
Edition - A revised version of a publication. A book may go through a number of different editions. Each should have separate catalogue entries.
eJournal (electronic journal) - An electronic journal available online. There can be print and electronic versions of a journal, but some are online only.
Enquiry Desk - Staffed desks at Clifford Whitworth Library, Allerton Learning Space and Media City Library where we are happy to help.
Floors: - Clifford Whitworth Library has three floors, colour-coded to show their purpose:
- Ground floor (Red) - Enquiry Desk, IT desk, and collaborative study.
- First floor (Blue) - Collaborative study and Refreshment Room (kitchen).
- Second floor (Green) - Silent study.
ID Number - Your student ID number will begin with @00. Printed on your ID card, it is unique to you. You will need your ID card to borrow resources, and to enter the library outside of open access hours.
Inter-library loan - If the library does not have the book or item that you want, you can request it from another library.
ISBN - International Standard Book Number assigned by publishers to each edition of a book.
ISSN - International Standard Serial Number, a unique identifier for a periodical title.
Library card - Your student ID card is also your library card.
Loan allowance - How many items you can borrow at a time.
MFD - Multi-Functional Devices - The photocopy, print and scan machines.