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Access 825,000+ eBooks on our library search page. Read online, print pages, make notes, and download for offline reading.


An Ebook or Electronic book is a book that is published electronically and is usually available online. Often there are print and electronic versions of a book, but there are also some electronic-only titles.

Using eBooks

The Library gives you access to more than 825,000 eBooks through Library Search

When you find a book on Library Search, click the 'Online access' button to access the eBook.

When you visit the eBook platform, you may have to click on a link to open the book: e.g. 'Read Online', 'View this book' or something similar. Sometimes there is a PDF option.

The number of people that can use an eBook at the same time varies, depending on the supplier.

If an eBook is in use you will be asked to try again later. eBooks open on a first come, first served basis.

eBooks usually have a navigation panel on the left, showing chapters. The full text is displayed on the right.

eBook advantages

  • access eBooks on and off campus, 24 hours a day, seven days a week
  • avoid waiting for requests or copies that are out on loan
  • print relevant pages
  • search the eBook for keywords
  • make notes, save them and print them off
  • export the citation to a citation manager such as EndNote

Make notes in an eBook

Many platforms allow you to make notes electronically when reading an eBook. You need to be logged on to do this, so your notes can be saved and returned to. See the help sections on the platform you are using or contact your Academic Support Librarian for further guidance.

Download eBooks...

Downloading an eBook allows you to read it on your computer or portable device when you're not connected to the internet, usually for a limited period of time. Most of our eBooks can be downloaded to your computer or device. On the eBook platform you'll see a 'Download' link, click this to download it to your device.