
Network to support parents and carers of neurodiverse children launches in Salford

Categories: School of Health and Society

The University of Salford’s Neurodiversity Parent and Carer Network has been officially launched with an introductory event at the Salford Museum and Art Gallery.

The event saw parents and carers invited to six short talks from academics at the University about their neurodiversity research with children and families. The researchers included the team behind the Salford Autism Exercise Project, which aimed to test whether increasing exercise would help autistic children to sleep better and in turn to learn new words more easily.

Eve Bent, Project Officer at the University of Salford and one of the researchers involved in the project, explained: “When the Autism Exercise Project came to an end, families who had been involved commented on how important the connections they had made with other parents and carers were to them. There was a clear need for a network to link families with one another and with our research teams so that we could continue to help and support each other in future.”

Attendees at the event included local charities and support organisations, as well as parents and carers. 

Organisers hope to continue to arrange events in future, and encourage any parents or carers interested in finding out more to get in touch.

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