Classroom to Pitch: Scott's Performance Analysis Journey
Scott graduated from the MSc in Performance Analysis in Sport programme at the University of Salford in 2024, after completing a BSc in Sports and Exercise Science at Liverpool John Moores.

Throughout his studies, Scott gained valuable experience both academically and practically. He has been working as a Performance Analyst with Leigh Leopards RLFC since early 2023, where he applies his academic insights to real-world sports.
Scott is committed to further developing his skills in performance analysis and making a significant impact in professional sports.
We spoke with Scott to learn more about his journey and to offer advice for those aspiring to enter the field of sports performance analysis.
Meet Scott
Why did you choose to study Performance Analysis in Sport?
"After previously studying Sports and Exercise Science (BSc) at Liverpool John Moores University and through playing rugby league, I was briefly introduced to performance analysis. When I researched further into the topic, I realised I wanted to study the subject more deeply and therefore chose to pursue it as a master's."
What made you choose the University of Salford?
"The course wasn’t available at my previous university, so when looking for alternative options, the University of Salford stood out because of its location and campus. Additionally, the course lead had experience working as an analyst at a professional rugby league club, which I was and still am interested in."
How will your degree help with your future career plans?
"For future plans in sport, a master's degree in performance analysis will be essential for finding employment within a professional setup. Through the course, I've used and practised many industry-standard methods of assessment and analysis that are transferable to the working world."
What’s an ordinary day at university like?
"The course usually takes place on Wednesdays, with a full day of lectures, workshops, or practicals. I found this one-day approach extremely beneficial as it allowed me time to work, study, and do my placement while still maintaining a social life."
Tell us about your placement with Leigh Leopards RLFC
"Through the course, and with the help of the course lead, I secured a placement with Leigh Leopards RLFC. I come in on one training day during the week and on match days. This placement has not only helped me develop my skills and transfer my knowledge from university to a professional environment, but also provided a better understanding of what it’s like to be an analyst in a professional sports team."
How have you applied your course learnings in practice during your placement?
"The use of Nacsport [Video Analysis Software] in workshops was a valuable skill I could transfer to my placement, as this is the software used by the club. Additionally, practical skills like setting up cameras and running live feeds from a camera to a laptop have all been useful skills on my placement."
What’s been your favourite aspect or module of the course?
"My favourite parts of the course have been the hands-on workshops and practicals. The opportunity to partake in live performance analysis and learn about different approaches to giving feedback has been something I’ve found most interesting."
Why should someone apply for this course?
"Any students considering this course should research its application in the workplace. It’s a very specific and specialised course, so it’s important for future students to be sure that this is something they want to pursue in their careers."
What has been the most valuable part of studying at Salford?
"The most valuable part of studying at Salford for me has been the placement opportunities. Gaining a year’s experience working in the industry alongside studying is something I believe will be instrumental in helping me find employment in the future."