Centre for Engineering the Future

Man demonstrating a robotic arm

Developing world-class research excellence in core engineering disciplines.

Our vision is to develop world-class research excellence in core engineering disciplines to foster innovation and address global challenges in a truly holistic way - informed by our external partners, stakeholders and future users so that our work generates a meaningful, sustainable and positive impact for the long-term health of our planet.

Our research strategy has inclusive and interdisciplinary collaboration at its core, leveraging our expertise, facilities and partnerships to tackle pressing global issues. The research we deliver is further informed by the rapidly evolving technological landscape and by current issues such as climate change, equitable access to healthcare and education, and sustainable development.

By staying at the forefront of research and innovation in these key application areas, the Centre for Engineering the Future is well positioned to make meaningful contributions to society while driving economic growth and competitiveness. Our vision is not only to excel in the generation of new research but also to translate our findings into practical solutions that benefit communities, industries and the world at large.

Our research areas

An overview of a road network

Civil, Transport and Environmental Engineering

Robotics Robot

Robotics, Automation and Control

Expertise in this area includes advanced robot and machine design, dexterous end effectors, service robots, biologically-inspired robots, healthcare and medical robotics, haptics/telepresence, artificial intelligence (AI), mechatronics and embedded systems, human-robot interaction, rehabilitation and assistive robotics, and uninhabited autonomous systems.

Aeroplane flying overhead

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

A spark

Photonics, Microsystems and Condensed Matter Physics

Experts in the Photonics, Microsystems, and Condensed Matter Physics area carry out research across a broad spectrum of physics and engineering disciplines, centred around condensed matter physics, energy storage and next-generation photonic,  electronic and biomedical devices. Our work in nanophotonics and microsystems focuses on developing silicon photonics, MEMS and microrobotic devices powered by light. 

In quantum technologies, we explore Er-implanted Si for quantum networking, resistive switching memory and novel solid-state materials. Our theoretical research spans electromagnetic scattering, nonlinear wave instabilities and dynamical systems, employing advanced computational modelling. 

Experimentally, we investigate areas such as ultrafast charge dynamics in colloidal quantum dots, high-pressure synthesis of superhard materials and novel hydrides, and the fundamental properties of molecular systems under extreme conditions. Experimental facilities include photonic and MEMS chip testing, a microfabrication clean room,  Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, EDX and ultrafast spectroscopy tools.

Artist impression of an interior view of the North of England Robotics Innovation Centre (NERIC), University of Salford

North of England Robotics Innovation Centre (NERIC)


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