Job hunting skills

Job hunting skills

Finding job opportunities

Expand your horizons when searching for job opportunities. Dedicate ample time, think outside the box, research companies, and consider smaller enterprises. Job hunting requires establishing a routine across multiple methods and maintaining resilience if things don't progress as quickly as desired. Persistence is key to a successful job search. 

As a full-time student, it's advisable not to exceed 16 hours of work per week during term time. This allows ample time for your course commitments, studying, and maintaining a social life. Gain insights into your employment rights, including tax thresholds, minimum wage guidelines, zero hours contracts, and the gig economy, in Target Jobs' guide, Knowing Your Employment Rights

To kickstart your job search, dive into our comprehensive guide, Job Hunting for Graduates. It provides valuable information and introduces you to various job hunting methods to ensure your search is fruitful.

Attend a Careers Fair at the university and speak directly to employers who have a variety of opportunities on offer.

Job hunting skills

Top tips

  1. Understand yourself: Determine your job preferences to focus your search effectively.
  2. Research employers: Explore their websites and social media for opportunities. 
  3. Set up job alerts: Get notified instantly about new relevant opportunities on job boards. 
  4. Refine your search terms: Use keywords, skills, and Boolean Strings to narrow down results. 
  5. Use various vacancy boards: Check general, sector-specific, and graduate boards. 
  6. Utilise social media: Follow recruitment news, build company awareness, and network. 
  7. Embrace speculative approaches: Don't rely solely on advertised openings; connect with employers and contacts. 
  8. Follow application guidelines: Submit online forms or prepare CVs and cover letters as instructed. 
  9. Keep a log: Track interesting employers and application dates for future reference.  
  10. Apply these strategies to your graduate, part-time, internship, placement, and work experience searches.
Job hunting skills

Advice for international students

International Students: Know your work limits in the UK. Check your visa sticker or BRP for maximum work hours during term-time. Stay informed with UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) for guidance and advice. Explore our International Student information for details on finding and working in the UK.

Job hunting skills

Further support

Boost your job search with our Job Hunting LinkedIn Tutorial. Get focused tips to enhance your search. Check out our guide, Getting Started with LinkedIn, for more valuable insights.

Speak to a Careers Adviser

Get guidance from our friendly team of Advisers. Book an appointment or call 0161 295 0023 (option 5, option 3). 

Open to current students and Salford Alumni only.