
Salford’s answer to Joe Wicks launches free lockdown fitness classes online

Categories: School of Health and Society

A student from the University of Salford is taking to Instagram to help people through lockdown with online fitness classes.

James Farrington

Final year Sports Science student James Farrington (pictured) has set up the online sessions to help support people who may be struggling to keep motivated as gyms close again throughout England.

“I think the effect of the lockdown on mental and physical health is huge. I’ve had lots of people message me and thank me for putting on the classes as it’s given them something to focus on. Exercise has many proven benefits for both physical and mental health and the gym would usually be part of so many people’s routines, so I feel providing this online support is the least I can do to help!”

James was a competitive road and track cyclist before beginning his studies at Salford, ranked second in the UK for his age.

“I’ve always had a keen interest in sport and fitness. I chose Salford due to its world class facilities and very reputable experts within the industry. I’ve really enjoyed the course so far, especially the Strength and Conditioning elements, so much so I’m planning to take my studies further and complete a masters in Strength and Conditioning post-graduation.”

James told us that his studies had not been hugely affected by the pandemic so far. “The lecturers and support staff have done a great job in taking the content online and delivering safe and effective practical sessions.”

However, he explains that it has been a different story at work.

“Alongside my studies I work as a personal trainer. When gyms announced they were closing I had a few messages from clients and gym members who were worried how it would affect them. I knew I’d have more time on my hands due to being off work, so I decided to start the free live workouts to keep people fit, both physically and mentally.”

The first class James took went ahead last Friday (6 November) with around 40 people tuning in.

Sessions take place on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday through his Instagram page (@jfarringtonpt) at 10am & 6pm. 

No equipment is required, and sessions are suitable for all abilities – options will be given to make an exercise easier or harder where required. 

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