Recordings of Honorary Professorial Lectures 2022/2023 now available
The School of Health and Society at the University of Salford has released recordings of its entire Honorary Professorial Lecture Series 2022/2023.
All the lectures in the series are now available to watch again at the links below.
November 2022: Professor Felicity Gerry - Why the UK criminal justice system is failing women
January 2023: Professor Sandeep Ranote and invited guests - On the Sofa: Introducing the Greater Manchester Integrated Care System
February 2023: Professor Rajan Madhok - Caveat emptor: Why university education is not enough
March 2023: Professor Ged Byrne - Are global partnerships the key to delivering universal healthcare?
May 2023: Professor Siba Senapati - Tackling the current obesity epidemic: what are our strategies?
June 2023: Professor Alan Barratt - Psychological self-care in uncertain and traumatic times
July 2023: Professor Matthew Cripps - Using Behaviour Change approaches to improve population healthcare
We hope you enjoy watching, and please do keep an eye out for this year's lecture series which is already well underway - more events will be advertised soon with the Eventbrite booking links shared on our social media channels for each lecture.
For all press office enquiries please email