External requests for information from the Police and other agencies
We sometimes receive requests from the Police and other agencies to access university information. Although the Police is where most of these requests come from, we also occasionally get requests from other agencies such as HMRC, local authorities and various other public bodies.
The reasons they might be asking for this information include prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences, or the execution of criminal penalties (which includes the safeguarding against and the prevention of threats to public security).
For instance, they may ask for:
- Access to our CCTV and body worn camera footage
- Personal information like contact details and addresses.
- Information about internet usage.
We handle these sorts of requests in accordance with our legal obligations, including under the UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the Data Protection Act 2018, and within a reasonable timescale normally not exceeding one month. Full information on who we collect, use and store your data can be found on our privacy policy.
Our Student Misconduct, Fitness to Practice and Safeguarding teams will be notified if a request raises possible misconduct, fitness to practice or safeguarding concerns. We also may inform the Wellbeing team if we feel that you may require emotional support.
The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 requires all Universities to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. This is known as the Prevent Duty.
For matters around terrorism concerns, there are different information sharing procedures in place, and we have a duty to share information requested by Counterterrorism immediately or as soon as possible. The University’s Prevent Officer will work with CT Police on ensuring that this is done.
Information for External Agencies, including the Police
All requests from external agencies for information about colleagues and students should be directed to our Legal & Compliance Team at foi@salford.ac.uk who are responsible for maintaining these records. Requests made in person, e.g. by a uniformed police officer, in office hours, should call +44 (0)161 295 5000, or out of hours should contact Security on +44 (0)161 295 3333
Alternative arrangements may apply in cases of emergency. An emergency includes taking urgent steps to prevent serious physical harm or loss of life, to protect public health, to safeguard vulnerable adults or children, or to obviate immediate threats to national security. After 5pm you should contact Security on +44 (0)161 295 3333.
For Police requests a completed Date Protection Authority (DPA) form should be sent to the email above. Other agencies may have their own DPA forms which can also be submitted. If requests do not come by standard form they must:
- specify the exact information that is required
- state the purpose and explain the reason for the request; and
- be made or countersigned by an officer of the rank of Inspector or above.
The university may seek clarification if any aspect of the request is not clear or if it requires further information to consider the request. The University assesses each request on its own merits.
We will only ever share information we hold, and in line with data sharing legislation, we will only share:
- as is necessary;
- for the purposes of legitimate interests (e.g. the location of an offender);
- for the purposes of a task performed in the public interest (e.g. our Prevent Duty);
- to protect somebody from immediate harm;
- to comply with a legal obligation (e.g. in response to a court order);
- as is adequate, relevant and limited to the purpose for the request;
- in accordance with the University’s privacy statement.
In all other situations we will require the person’s consent to share.
Emergency situations
In emergency situations, where immediate steps are required to be taken because there is a risk to life, serious physical harm, to protect public health, or to safeguard vulnerable adults or children, please contact the Police on 999 immediately. There is also more information on our Violence, Crime and Other Serious Incidents page on who to contact for different scenarios.
You can also download the SafeZone App if you need to contact our Security team.
Additional links
- Applicant and Student Criminal Convictions Policy and Procedure
- askUS
- Report It
- Declaring Criminal Convictions
- Student Conduct
- University Security
- Legal and Regulatory Information
- Safeguarding