Undergraduate BSc (Hons)

Business Management with Marketing



With placement


Three year

Four year

Next enrolment

September 2024


In a nutshell

Marketing is one of the most exciting, fast-paced and varied careers in the business world combining both creative and analytical skills.

This CIM-accredited degree sets Marketing within the wider business context; you will develop the range of leadership and management skills you need for your career as well as covering key aspects of marketing such as communications, digital marketing and social media marketing.  You will also build your personal portfolio of professional evidence which will enhance your CV and help you in job applications and interviews. This course is taught at our University of Salford campus close to Manchester city centre.  

This programme is available with professional placement or study abroad year. 

We strongly encourage you to develop your personal skills and your confidence by taking a year-long work placement in your third year and/or studying abroad for a term or a year. To find out more, attend an Open Day or contact the team.


We have worked with industry partners and The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) to make sure the programme is highly practical, career-focused and industry-informed to prepare you for a successful career. You will also benefit from our industry links; we have regular guest speakers from the public, private and not-for-profit sectors who can give you an insight into how different organisations market themselves in different environments.

The Business Management with Marketing course is accredited by The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) so you know that what you learn is aligned with industry standards. This means you can reduce the number of assessments you need to take after graduation to gain a CIM qualification as well as gaining access to the CIM Marketing club, its regular webinars and newsletter.

Creativity, digital skills and search and social media competencies are integral parts of this course. Entrepreneurship and innovation are also central to our teaching. These are essential if your dream is to set up your own marketing-driven business, though future employers also value an entrepreneurial mindset. Launch@ Salford is the Business School incubation centre that supports business start ups.

Still not convinced Marketing is for you?  Josh Melvin graduated in 2018 and is Global Marketing Manager at Agilent Technologies; he says about his job “It's been non stop learning since I started. It's good, you never get a chance to feel complacent, because something else new, exciting and challenging comes your way.  So it's quite fast paced, I've been given quite a lot of responsibility. But then also I was given it in a way that allows me to really grow as a professional. "

As part of this course, you will learn: 

Body swap technology, LinkedIn Learning, Microsoft Excel – LinkedIn Learning, Microsoft PowerPoint – LinkedIn Learning, Microsoft Word – LinkedIn Learning, Microsoft Project – LinkedIn Learning, Microsoft Outlook – LinkedIn Learning, Generative AI – LinkedIn Learning, AI Certification, iDea Bronze Award, Microsoft Specialist - Microsoft 365, Xero Accounting Software, Power BI

During your degree, you will have the option to participate in the Study Abroad programme. The programmes allows you the chance to spend your second year studying on an international exchange with one of our global partner institutions in Europe, the US or the rest of the world.

This programme is also delivered in Bahrain by our partner, British University of Bahrain; visit their website to find out more.

Find out more, register for one of our Open Days or attend a campus tour. Our supportive course enquiries team can help you with any general questions you may have. You can also explore all of our Business courses.

You will:

  • Learn the fundamental principles that underpin marketing and learn to apply them in practice.
  • Gain hands-on experience with opportunities to develop the skills employers value.
  • Gain a Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) accredited education and benefit from module exemptions.

options available


students accepted

Course accreditations

CIM (accreditation degree) logo
Logo and link for Small Business Charter
iDEA (digital Salford) logo

This is for you if...


You are eager to develop sought-after skills through work placements, study abroad schemes, and real-world learning


You are creatively minded and looking to gain the analytical confidence to review and interpret the results of your work


You are ready to embark on a dynamic career providing endless career opportunities across a variety of industries

Course details

All about the course


The Business Management with Marketing programme is designed to help you develop the wide range of practical skills that employers look for.

By working on industry relevant, live marketing projects and activities, you will learn to implement the key theories of marketing as well as using core skills such as problem-solving, leadership, communication and data analysis. In this way, you will find creative, sustainable, digital and ethical solutions to marketing related problems. Throughout your time with us, you will build your own portfolio of professional evidence which you will be able to use to help you get a rewarding job when you graduate.

  1. In your first year, you will start to develop an understanding of the marketing environment and how the sector operates. You will also look at wider business areas and how marketing integrates with them. You will be learning by doing through working on exciting and innovative marketing challenges or real-world projects. 
  2. The second year is all about exploring more specialised theories and learning skills that will be transferable across multiple marketing functions. Modules are designed so that you can start to shape your own learning. The Professional Development module has been created for you to practise the skills you need – CV writing, being interviewed, assessment centres - to apply for and get your dream job. 
  3. By your final year, you are becoming a marketing professional, developing the skills needed for responsible leadership and understanding how to think strategically.  Core modules increase your in depth knowledge and continue your career development while the optional modules allow you to specialise in your areas of interest. 

When you study a business programme at Salford Business School, you will have access to opportunities that will help increase your practical experience, employability and entrepreneurial skills. 

  • Take a placement year, where you will learn on the job whilst being paid for your time
  • Internship opportunities
  • Mock assessment centres
  • Professional presentations
  • Business challenges
  • Business simulations
  • Launch@Salford
  • Mock interviews and practice networking

We strongly encourage you to develop your personal skills and your confidence by taking a year-long work placement in your third year and/or studying abroad for a term or a year.  

  • A work placement really enhances your CV and shows future employers that you can apply the skills, knowledge and understanding you have learned. You will not pay fees to the University and will earn a salary for the work that you do. Read about Haley Britton’s experience on work placement with Agilent.
  • Find out more about the range of International Opportunities such as Erasmus, Turing Scheme and International study exchanges.

Interested in starting your own business? At Salford Business School we value entrepreneurial minds and aim to provide the support and resources needed for anyone wishing to build on a great business idea.  Launch@ Salford is the incubation centre for business start ups providing a reception area, hot desk office space, private meeting rooms – and a networking lounge where you can grab a coffee and make those business connections. Launch@Salford also provides specialist support in the runnings of a start-up as well as opportunities to receive financial support

    All Set? Apply Now

    Find out more, register for one of our Open Days

    Year one

    Digital and Business Skills

    The Digital and Business Skills module introduces a range of digital tools for academia and the workplace. Important business skills such as management, collaboration and teamwork are fundamental to the module. Regular engagement with online platforms provides tasks to improve digital competency. Also, co creation work presents self-reflection and confidence building opportunities. Gaining the inspiring digital enterprise award (iDEA), completing LinkedIn learning assessments for Microsoft software applications, and completing collaborative video creation tasks will increase your digital and business skills as you progress towards the completion of this module. Digital Business is here to stay, so it is vital to improve these 21st century skills.

    Understanding Organisations

    This module provides you with an introduction to the key functions of business and is an opportunity to see how they work. You will get an understanding of functions including people management, accounting, marketing and operations, and how they underpin business success. This is illustrated through the lens of some of the successful businesses from across the Greater Manchester region that Salford Business School work with: we will look at a range of businesses including startups, family businesses and large scale enterprises and multinationals from different industry sectors. It is a first opportunity to see what makes businesses tick and will help you think about your future learning and employment journeys.

    Mobile, Media and Marketing

    This module will cover:

    • Contemporary marketing in a mobile-first world
    • Anticipating, understanding and fulfilling customer needs and desires
    • Creating and curating social media content to engage audiences

    Data Analysis for Business

    In this module you will be introduced to a variety of data analysis methods, which will be practiced on real world data sets. Regular formative assessment will be set for practice, with timely feedback given to aid learning and personal development.

    You will have an opportunity to formulate your own research questions before analysing data to draw reasonable conclusions. The module will predominantly utilise real data and include a mixture of computer-based questions, calculations, interpretation and drawing conclusions.

    The Future of Business

    What are the opportunities for business in the future? Starting with a grounding in the business context you will gain an understanding of economics and the digital environment, including the role of the digital economy. We will explore some of the key challenges that are on the horizon such as the impact of massive digitisation and industry 4.0, inclusive growth, food security and the climate emergency, and look at the opportunities for business to provide responsible and sustainable solutions

    Campaigns in Practice

    This will be your first opportunity to work on a real life problem, giving you insights into problem solving and decision making in a team environment. Working in teams you will apply the fundamental principles of marketing to develop a campaign for a University of Salford client.

    Year two

    Professional Development

    This module will enable you to plan and carry out appropriate professional development activities to increase your employability and performance. These include self-presentation, professional networking, project planning and implementation, team working, influencing and multimedia communication. You will gain all the necessary experience required to take advantage of global employment opportunities. 

    Watch this video to hear what students say about the module.

    Customer Experience and Value Creation

    Providing an immersive customer experience is a critical differentiating factor for firms today and, notably, one of the fastest growing business disciplines in the world. This module will provide you with the skills to develop and implement a coherent customer experience strategy that is both practical and actionable. It explores the theories and concepts of customer experience management with a customer centric focus by analysing the strategies, issues and dilemmas that are characteristic of the service industry and the delivery of an engaging customer experience.

    You will learn how to apply various tools and processes to help you bring your organisation closer to its customers with emphasis on creating value for customers, through relationship building strategies, mapping the customer journey and engaging in service innovation and excellence. 

    Business Intelligence and Dashboards

    Students will be introduced to a variety of methods of analysis for management decision making, which will be practiced on real data sets aligned to students’ named degree titles. Formative assessment will be set for practice, with timely feedback given to aid learning and personal development.

    The decision making techniques introduced in the module can be applied to a wide range of settings, such as interpreting market performance, forecasting growth, make or buy decisions, optimisation of scarce resources etc.

    Project Management

    During this module we take a detailed look at various aspects of Project Management through a variety of means such as lectures and practical seminars informed by research and industrial collaborations. We will focus on theoretical approaches, tools and techniques of planning and controlling projects.

    We will discuss project management as an important and integral part of a business whether this is product or service based.

    Marketing Communications

    This module covers: 

    • An introduction to marketing communications theory and practice
    • Marketing communications planning, strategy and delivery
    • PR, direct marketing, sales, point-of-purchase and more

    Live Project in Digital Marketing

    This module is a chance to get hands on experience inside a real organisation. Working in teams, reflecting your future working environment, you will help one of our partner organisations develop a solution to a current business problem. This is a chance to apply your people, project and time management skills in a real-world situation and to see how your solutions can apply in practice. Our employers tell us that experience of live briefs is important to them, and this is your chance to apply the knowledge you have gained on the course in that context. It's also a great addition to your CV!

    In the first term, you have the opportunity to choose a short (10 credit) module in an area you might be interested in or that you've never tried before. Alternatively, you can secure a short work placement and get credit for it in your results. Choose one from the options below.

    The Digital Workplace

    The digital workplace is here to stay. This module helps you gain an understanding of the application of digital technologies in organisations. You will develop a critical awareness of the relationship between people and the workplaces of the future. You will also explore the issues around implementing a digital strategy.

    Contemporary Issues in International Marketing

    On this short module, you'll look at the issues affecting current marketing in a global setting and the impact this has on the wider business environment. You'll look at different marketing niches from a social, economic and environmental perspective, considering the importance of minority group affiliations associated with Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+, social inclusion, ethics, sustainability and the marketing-savvy green consumer. You'll also gain an understanding of the ethical, moral and legal requirements that managers must appreciate when engaging in international marketing activities.

    Business Accounting

    You will be introduced to some fundamentals of basic financial and management accounting, learning to understand the content of financial statements and the accountancy practices required to prepare these statements. You will learn to analyse and interpret financial statements and use the data to make informed management decisions. With cost (and its impact on profit) a key factor in an organisation’s success, you will learn to communicate financial information both in writing and speaking.

    Legal Aspects of Business

    On this module, you will learn about some of the key aspects of law and how these impact upon business. You will be introduced to the outline of the English Legal System, Contract Law, Employment Law and Company Law. You will develop a critical understanding of legal issues that may arise in business situations and be able to use your knowledge of the law in relevant business practices.

    Advertising Strategy

    The aim of this short module is to support and empower you with the right skills and confidence to enter the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Pitch competition. CIM is the professional body for the marketing industry.

    You will learn to interpret a campaign brief and how to respond to it in a strategic way, developing the strategies, tactics and tools you need to be able to make a professional pitch to industry. At the same time, you will increase your skills for employment and gain experience of a live brief from the leading professional body. You will be able to use your pitch and the presentation of your creative advertising ideas as evidence of your abilities for prospective employers.


    A short internship, whether paid or unpaid, is invaluable for you to develop and demonstrate your skills in the real-world. This modules allows you to gain credits for work you do that is relevant to your degree and contributes to your employability. The Business School will provide support and guidance when you are looking for internship opportunities. This may be done during the summer period between the end of level 4 and the start of level 5 but other opportunities may be possible provided the relevant amount of work-based learning is undertaken. During term time, you will work on a reflective report to demonstrate what you learned during the internship.

    Optional work placement year

    Professional Placement

    All of our BSc students can apply for a one-year professional placement, which takes place between your second and last years of study.

    This is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of and we will help you find out about vacancies and make the right connections with high profile employers through regular events and presentations.

    Here is just a small selection of the companies our students have enjoyed placements with so far: NatWest, Barclays and the Cooperative Bank; BP, Esso and Shell; IBM, Hewlett Packard and Compaq; Ford, Vauxhall, Jaguar and Nissan; Marks & Spencer, Selfridges and Sainsbury’s; Eli Lilly, Glaxo and ICI; Fujitsu, Marriott and Virgin.

    Year three

    Business Ethics and Sustainability

    This module equips you with an appreciation and in-depth understanding of the implications of Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability within national and international organisations. This module will also develop your knowledge with respect to the importance of the balance between shareholders, stakeholders and the purpose and values of the organisation. It will explore the roles of social and technological innovation in global ethical organisations in order to prepare you for future employability.

    Advanced Digital Marketing

    This module aims to develop your core skills in digital and social media-based targeting and communication strategies. It’s a practical module where you will cover a host of topics; you will look at how to create an effective digital presence and consider the critical components of a digital marketing strategy and its strategic significance.

    You will also extend you capabilities in digital brand awareness, search engine optimisation and search engine marketing, content optimisation etc.

    You will be working in intensive case discussion sessions and group activities, and learning from guest lectures and insightful study materials to understand how the concepts that underpin digital and social media marketing support business success.

    Leadership and Management in Marketing

    This module will help you to develop your leadership skills and prepare you for your future career. You will explore theory, behaviour, people management and leadership within a general organisational framework and apply it within a specific marketing context. This is an opportunity to develop the skills you have gained in the early part of your degree and apply them to prepare you for the responsible and authentic leadership that future business requires

    This module offers a unique in-depth knowledge and understanding of the key practical and theoretical aspects of leadership and management in contemporary organisations. There is a focus on specific individual leaders, leadership styles and traits and offers an insight into how leaders operate in an organisational context. The module also explores personal leadership, the development of leadership and how leadership occurs at all levels. This module will allow you to  reflect on your own leadership development and application, enhancing your employability. 

    Emerging Themes in Marketing

    A key factor of successful marketing relates to the dynamic changes taking place in the external business environment. On this module, you will look at new and emerging themes in business organisations and the external marketing environment, such as societal and green marketing.

    Fundamental to understanding these changes is the building and refining of the skills necessary to anticipate and adapt to potential changes in a marketing environment that is often complex and far from certain. To better understand and appreciate such issues, you will carry out a critical evaluation of key underpinning themes such as horizon-scanning, scenario-planning and marketing’s new ground, as well as changing consumers, the changing nature of competition, contemporary business strategies and the marketing professional.

    Innovation and Entrepreneurship

    Employers tell us that they are looking for employees with an entrepreneurial mindset.  Or perhaps you're thinking of setting up your own business.

    In this module you have the opportunity to undertake an enterprise project for an internal or external sponsor on a topic of common interest.  Alternatively, you can use this opportunity to undertake in-depth research for your own project, for example, a business plan if you are wanting to start up a company after you graduate. The nature of the project will be negotiated by yourself, the module leader and the sponsoring company. 

    Strategic Management

    This module will provide a detailed understanding of business strategy, so that you acquire an organisation-wide perspective through exploring strategy techniques and processes within the global environment. You will draw together your knowledge from across the Business Management with Marketing programme, and apply this to real world organisational problems, deploying accurately established techniques of analysis and enquiry, some of which are at the forefront of strategic research and practice. Working on industry problems drawn from Marketing situations, you will prepare for a career in Marketing management.


    This is a further opportunity for you to choose a short (10 credit) module in an area you might be interested in or that you've never tried before. Alternatively, you can secure a short work placement and get credit for it in your results. Choose one from the options below.

    Technology Innovation

    Technology innovation is concerned with developing your awareness and understanding of the use of digital technologies and their role in digital transformation. We will examine contemporary issues in this area and explore the impact that digital technology had had on business and will have in the future. On completion, you will have a critical awareness of the digital industry and have considered the application of technology to business problems. This module links with and is supported by Launch@ Salford, the University’s incubation centre.

    Big Data Analytics

    Modern businesses derive significant insight from applying advanced analytical techniques to massive volumes of data. In the module, you will learn a range of established Big Data and analytics techniques and the value they provide to organisations. On successful completion of the module, you will not only be able to collect and analyse data to underpin business decisions but also be able to apply them within the business context, looking at strategy, business goals and organisational competitive advantage.


    A short internship, whether paid or unpaid, is invaluable for you to develop and demonstrate your skills in the real-world. This modules allows you to gain credits for work you do that is relevant to your degree and contributes to your employability. The Business School will provide support and guidance when you are looking for internship opportunities. This may be done during the summer period between the end of level 5 and the start of level 6 but other opportunities may be possible provided the relevant amount of work-based learning is undertaken. During term time, you will work on a reflective report to demonstrate what you learned during the internship.

    Climate Change and Sustainability in Business

    Climate change is a fundamental stressor which erodes past development and threatens future developments in vital areas of the well-being of humans. The sustainable use of energy is important in the 21st century due to our dependence on energy for transportation, business and heating which is the main factor behind climate change and the key to its solution. Therefore, energy and climate change are inextricably linked. The import of this module is to provide you with a background on issues pertaining to climate change from a multidisciplinary lens. You will study the science and policy of climate change, international climate finance, energy policy, business and sustainability and environmental policy.

    Investment Management

    The module will provide an introduction to the investment environment. The module will explain risk and how investors can manage risk. Furthermore, the module will explain about time value of money, portfolio management and the relationship between risk and return. 

    Information Security Management

    The aim of this module is to understand the management and protection of digital information across various technologies. The module also concerns managing data security risk, cybersecurity risk, data policy in contemporary digital technologies, the strategic aspects of information security management and digital forensics and the legal, ethical ad professional concerns in data security.

    Marketing in Action

    Please note that it may not be possible to deliver the full list of options every year as this will depend on factors such as how many students choose a particular option. Exact modules may also vary in order to keep content current. When accepting your offer of a place to study on this programme, you should be aware that not all optional modules will be running each year. Your tutor will be able to advise you as to the available options on or before the start of the programme. Whilst the University tries to ensure that you are able to undertake your preferred options, it cannot guarantee this.

    What Will I be Doing?


    Employability focused


    Our teaching is focused on supporting you to gain hands-on experience for your career.  Right from the start you will develop the practical skills as well as the theoretical knowledge that you will need when you begin working. Our academics are experts in their field and work closely with industry to ensure that our courses reflect the needs of business and provide you with that extra edge when it comes to securing a job. 

    You will learn through a combination of lectures, seminars and tutorials using a wide range of learning activities such as business simulations.


    Don’t bypass the Clifford Whitworth library, it really is a beneficial resource for you. The friendly library team will help you develop the skills you need to be successful in your studies and in your work. 


    We use different forms of assessment in different modules and wherever possible these will reflect the types of work you will do in the ‘real world’ for example, report writing, presentations and business pitches. Exams will only be used when it is a requirement for professional accreditation.

    At the beating heart of it

    Based at our picturesque Peel Park campus, just a five-minute journey from central Manchester, Salford Business School sits at the heart of Greater Manchester's thriving business and digital sectors, with close links and a campus at MediaCity. 

    Our student space on the sixth floor of the Maxwell Building offers dedicated areas for collaborative and independent study and break-out spaces like our student kitchen. Additionally, here you can find our in-school progression and careers teams to support your journey. 

    CIM accredited degree

    The Business Management with Marketing course is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).

    The University of Salford has worked with CIM to map our degree content against CIM’s most sought-after professional marketing qualifications. This means that you can gain exemptions on modules of CIM qualifications and reduce the number of CIM module assessments you need to take to one instead of three. You’ll be well on your way to getting a professional marketing qualification, helping you to stand out from the crowd and increasing your chances of securing your first-choice graduate position.

    On successful completion of the course, you will have exemptions from the Certificate in Professional Marketing modules:

    • Applied Marketing
    • Planning Campaigns

    Dedicated support

    Our in-school Student Progression Assistants ensure a smooth journey throughout your course. For non-course matters, our university-wide support service, askUS, is on hand to assist across a range of topics. 

    Our Careers and Employability team, along with in-school advisors, support your career journey with one-on-one appointments, drop-ins, industry events, networking opportunities, and more. Interested in starting a business? Our start-up incubator, Launch @Salford, offers expert insight and support. 

    A global community

    As a hub for knowledge exchange within the local business community, our collaborations benefit students, businesses, and the community. We aim to equip you with the skills to thrive in life and your career, fostering curiosity, adaptability, and confidence to tackle 21st-century challenges. 

    Our goal is to prepare you for future career success. Along the way, you’ll learn to be curious, adaptable and confident, ready to meet the digital, ethical and sustainability challenges of the 21st century. 

    Business in Greater Manchester

    Greater Manchester’s dynamic business and digital sectors play host to over 290,000 enterprises, providing you with rich real-world learning opportunities and industry-informed teaching. 

    Our diverse business collaborations - from start-ups to leading multinationals - drive local and global productivity and growth, positioning Greater Manchester as an internationally renowned business and digital hub. 

    Employment and stats

    What about after uni?


    A postgraduate degree is a great option if you want to take your knowledge and skills to the next level. Salford graduates and alumni also receive a significant fees discount. Learn about our postgraduate courses.


    When you graduate, you will have transformed yourself from an ambitious individual into an accomplished, marketing-minded graduate. You will have gained valuable new skills which prepare you for work, graduate entry into marketing-related training programmes, or further study.

    The skills and knowledge gained by studying marketing are practical and applicable across a wide range of business functions. Our graduates are working in organisations such as IBM, BNY Mellon, HSBC, RBS and Manchester United.

    With opportunities to take part in a year-long paid work placement, a dedicated Professional Development module and support from the University’s careers team and our Launch entrepreneurship experts, we ensure you are equipped with the skills and experience employers are looking for.


    While designing this programme, we asked our industry contacts what they look for when employing graduates so we can include this in our teaching. Here’s some of the advice they gave:

    Soft skills – the communication, the listening, the team working - are really, really key. Graduates need to demonstrate how they’ve acquired some soft skills whether that’s been undertaking a project or demonstrating time management.” Vivine Cameron, Education Partnerships Executive, The Chartered Insurance Institute

    Learn more about how industry has shaped our programmes

    A taste of what you could become

    A Marketing Manager

    A Marketing Analyst

    A social media manager

    A Content Marketing Manager

    An Entrepreneur

    And more...

    Career Links

    As a CMI accredited Business School, we teach the skills that employers need and as a result, our graduates enjoy excellent international career prospects. Through our Employability Hub, we have excellent links with businesses both local and international and we are recognised by the Small Business Charter for our work with small businesses (SMEs).

    Our industry connections help us to ensure that our programmes are designed around the current needs of employers. Mercedes-Benz Cars UK Limited, CEVA Logistics, Tata and JCB all had input on the content delivered on BSc Business Management with Marketing during its development.

    These links allow you to build your professional network and create employment opportunities both for your work placement or summer internships and for after graduation.



    What you need to know


    This degree offers excellent scope for any student wanting to start a career in marketing, management and a variety of other different business areas. Knowledge and expertise in marketing are highly sought after by employers across a wide variety of sectors.

    If you know you love marketing but aren’t sure which direction to go in, the Marketing course is an ideal introduction to some core areas associated with marketing. 


    All of our courses are taught and assessed in English, so as an applicant you must meet our minimum English language entry requirements. If you are an international student and not from a majority English speaking country, you will need IELTS 6 with no element below 5.5.

    We also accept a range of other English language qualifications. If you do not have the English language requirements, you could take the Pre-Sessional English course, or the International Foundation Year to gain entry onto this degree.

    Standard entry requirements


    Maths and English at grade C / grade 4 or above.

    You must fulfil our GCSE entry requirements as well as one of the requirements listed below.

    UCAS Tariff points

    104 - 112 UCAS Tariff points 

    A level

    BCC - BBC with a minimum of two A2 passes. 

    BTEC National Diploma


    Access to HE

    104 - 112 UCAS Tariff points – Pass with a minimum of 45 credits at Level 3 and 15 at Level 2 

    T level


    International Baccalaureate

    Indicatively 30 points for International Baccalaureate Diploma (31 points with experience year)

    Scottish Highers

    104 - 112 UCAS Tariff points with a minimum of two Advanced Highers.

    Irish Leaving Certificate

    104 - 112 UCAS Tariff points with a minimum of two Higher Level Subjects.

    European Baccalaureate

    Pass Diploma with 60% or above.

    International Students

    We accept qualifications from all around the world. Find your country to see a full list of entry requirements. If you do not meet the entry requirements, you could take the International Foundation Year to gain entry onto this degree.

    Alternative entry requirements

    Salford Alternative Entry Scheme (SAES)

    We welcome applications from students who may not meet the stated entry criteria but who can demonstrate their ability to pursue the course successfully. Once we have received your application we will assess it and recommend it for SAES if you are an eligible candidate.

    There are two different routes through the Salford Alternative Entry Scheme and applicants will be directed to the one appropriate for their course. Assessment will either be through a review of prior learning or through a formal test.

    How much?

    Type of study Year Fees
    Full-time home 2024/25 £9,250.00per year
    Full-time international 2024/25 £15,720.00per year
    Full-time home 2025/26 £9,250.00per year
    Full-time international 2025/26 £15,720.00per year

    Additional costs

    You should also consider further costs which may include books, stationery, printing, binding and general subsistence on trips and visits.

    Scholarships for international students

    If you are a high-achieving international student, you may be eligible for one of our scholarships. Explore our international scholarships.

    Apply now

    All set? Let's apply

    Still have some questions? Register for one of our Open Days or contact us:

    By email: enquiries@salford.ac.uk
    By phone: +44 (0) 161 295 4545

    Enrolment dates

    September 2024

    September 2025

    UCAS information

    Course ID N1N5

    Institution S03