Undergraduate BSc (Hons)

Business Management with Law with Foundation Year



With placement


Three year

Four year

Next enrolment

September 2024


In a nutshell

Involving a combination of business management and law modules, studying Business Management with Law is a fantastic opportunity for ambitious individuals to prepare for a wide variety of managerial careers.

Graduates who understand the legal needs of organisations, and how regulations impact on their operations, have a marked advantage when entering the world of business.

Our goal is to prepare you for a fulfilling life and professional career. Along the way, you’ll learn to be curious, adaptable and confident, ready to meet the digital, ethical and sustainability challenges of the 21st century.

How will we - together - achieve this?

Find out about our commitment to our students.


In today’s fast-paced and changeable business landscape, employers are looking for high-calibre graduates with ambition, applicable skills and industry knowledge. Studying Business Management with Law helps you develop an advanced understanding of business management and legal disciplines as well as the professional skills required for success across a variety of sectors.

You will work on international case studies, focusing on global issues and comparative analysis. Equipping you with a solid foundation in business and management and allowing you to go on and specialise in an area of law, you’ll graduate with a unique and highly desirable skillset.

You'll also have access to a wide range of opportunities that help you develop your real-world skills, such as live projects, a year's paid work placement and study abroad.

We have worked with industry partners to make sure the programme is highly practical, career-focused and industry-informed to prepare you for a successful management career. We are proud to work with our student panel to ensure our teaching is relevant, inclusive and respectful for all.

As part of this course, you will learn: 

WestLaw, Body swap technology, LinkedIn Learning, Microsoft PowerPoint – LinkedIn Learning, Microsoft Project – LinkedIn Learning, Generative AI – LinkedIn Learning, Power BI.

The Foundation Year of the four-year programme aims to provide understanding of the key subjects in business to meet the prerequisites for entry to Business Management with Law.  

We are proud that all our business programmes are reviewed by our BAME student panel to ensure our teaching is inclusive and respectful for all.

Want to find out more about our Business and Law courses? Sign-up to an Open Day or attend a campus tour. Explore the Salford campus on our virtual tour. Our supportive course enquiries team can also help you with any general questions you may have

You will:

  • Learn the essential skills needed for a successful career in business
  • Gain an understanding of the core legal concepts used in the business sector
  • Develop the skills that employers look for such as project planning, team working and self-presentation
  • Study in a dynamic and exciting city full of business opportunities

options available

Course accreditations

iDEA (digital Salford) logo

This is for you if...


You are looking to develop a range of highly employable skills through experiences such as work placement, study abroad and other opportunities to gain work experience


You want to explore the legal aspects of business


You want to develop your practical skills as well as your academic knowledge so you are work-ready when you graduate

Course details

All about the course


Graduates who can effectively apply academic knowledge of business, management and law are highly sought after by employers. At Salford Business School, we ensure that there is an industry focus at the heart of every programme we deliver. This means that the modules you study have been designed to reflect the current needs of employers and to be relevant to current business trends.  Throughout your course, you will develop the core knowledge of key business and legal concepts that employers look for. 

Right from the start of your studies you will develop the practical skills as well as the academic knowledge that you will need when you begin working.  In your first year, the Digital and Business Skills module sharpens up the skills and knowledge that will be important for you when you are looking for a job.  The Professional Development module in second year will help you to focus on your employability and the enhancement of your professional skills.  The professional experience year, offered after your second year of study, gives you the opportunity to put your skills and knowledge into practice, improve your employability and earn a salary for the work you do.

  1. In your Foundation year, you will start to look at fundamental areas of business as well as the key skills you need to study at University level.   
  2. In your first year, you will start to develop an understanding of how organisations work, looking at key business and law concepts, developing the skills needed for responsible leadership and understanding how to think strategically. You will be learning by doing through working on exciting and innovative business simulations or real-world projects.
  3. The second year is all about exploring more specialised theories and learning skills that will be transferable across multiple business functions.  With core and optional modules, you can start to shape your own learning. The Professional Development module is designed for you to practise the skills you need – CV writing, being interviewed, assessment centres - to apply for and get a placement year and, ultimately, your dream job on graduation. 
  4. By your final year, you are becoming a professional, developing the skills needed for the business and law sector and understanding how to think strategically.  Core modules increase your in depth knowledge and continue your career development while the optional modules allow you to specialise in your areas of interest. 

Throughout the programme, your decision-making and critical thinking skills will be improved through the integration of real-world examples.


When you study a business programme at Salford Business School, you will have access to opportunities that will help increase your practical experience, employability and entrepreneurial skills. 

  • Take a placement year, where you will learn on the job whilst being paid for your time
  • Internship opportunities
  • Mock assessment centres
  • Professional presentations
  • Business challenges
  • Business simulations
  • Launch@Salford
  • Mock interviews and practice networking

We strongly encourage you to develop your personal skills and your confidence by taking a year-long work placement in your third year and/or studying abroad for a term or a year.  

  • A work placement really enhances your CV and shows future employers that you can apply the skills, knowledge and understanding you have learned. You will not pay fees to the University and will earn a salary for the work that you do. Read about Katie Wood’s experience on work placement with Nissan.
  • Find out more about the range of International Opportunities such as Erasmus, Turing Scheme and International study exchanges.

Interested in starting your own business? At Salford Business School we value entrepreneurial minds and aim to provide the support and resources needed for anyone wishing to build on a great business idea.  Launch@ Salford is the incubation centre for business start ups providing a reception area, hot desk office space, private meeting rooms – and a networking lounge where you can grab a coffee and make those business connections. Launch@Salford also provides specialist support in the runnings of a start-up as well as opportunities to receive financial support

    All Set? Apply Now

    Foundation Year

    Foundations of Business

    This module will introduce you to key concepts of business and management looking at what business is (and isn’t). You will be encouraged to draw on real-life examples found in the businesses you use in your every day life. You will develop an understanding of the key functions used within contemporary businesses and learn about the tools and techniques used in business for analysis and planning. 


    Sustainable Business Development

    This module looks at what’s involved in starting up a sustainable business. You will discover what is needed for long term business success. We’ll look at financing and funding, business formation, planning, business ethics and sustainability along with other core aspects of start-ups. You will work closely with industry partners to gain insight into the world of start-ups. If you are interested in starting a business, this module will really help you to discover what is involved. You also gain key knowledge which your degree will build upon.  

    Digital Business

    This module will explain the importance and key elements of digital business. You will explore how digital business ideas drive technology choices and how those technologies support the development of the business.  

    Academic and Personal Skills

    Academic and Personal Skills is delivered with your future in mind. This module takes you through how to get to grips with the technology you need to succeed, as well as using the library, how to reference and how to produce the different styles of academic writing.

    It also helps you to develop yourself; you will create a CV, learn how to write a cover letter and find out what your learning style is. The module has guest speakers who share their expert knowledge and experience with you.  All the skills covered in this module will help you to succeed in your chosen degree.

    Business Project

    This module is studied in term 2 of the foundation year and brings together everything that you have learnt so far on the foundation year. This is your opportunity to put your knowledge into practice. You will work as part of a team to develop a business idea; you will work through the process of setting up the business. As a team you will pitch your idea to a panel to gain investment in your start-up. You will then start the business and create an event with the profits being donated to a local charity of your choice. Whatever your chosen business discipline this module will give you the opportunity to demonstrate and develop your skills. 

    Employability for Life

    The module aims to acquire and develop an understanding of the employability skills required to succeed in your chosen industry. This is a practical module which will help you create and develop a professional CV and will develop your understanding of the recruitment and selection process. You will learn essentail life-long skills to help you succeed in job applications whether they are for part-time work whilst you are a student or for your future graduate career.

    Year one

    Understanding Organisations

    This module provides you with an introduction to the key functions of business and is an opportunity to see how they work. You will get an understanding of functions including people management, accounting, marketing and operations, and how they underpin business success. This is illustrated through the lens of some of the successful businesses from across the Greater Manchester region that Salford Business School work with: we will look at a range of businesses including startups, family businesses and large scale enterprises and multinationals from different industry sectors. It is a first opportunity to see what makes businesses tick and will help you think about your future learning and employment journeys.

    Law for Business Students

    This module is all about practical experience: using a business simulation tool you will have a chance to get into the heart of an organisation. Working in a group you will see what it is like to be the decision makers regarding all things legal and influence the success of your business. This is hands on learning which will teach you the fundamental principles of a specific organisational function relevant to your pathway area.

    Legal Systems and Legal Digital Skills

    On this introduction to the English Legal System and its role within society, you will look at the court system in England and Wales and learn how core legal subjects are integrated in the legal landscape. You will look at the importance of legal principles, concepts, structures, citations and practices within English Law; and develop your skills in interpreting primary and secondary sources of law including how to use OSCOLA (Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities).

    This module looks at the importance of good digital skills within the law and you will be supported and assessed through an eLearning legal training course.

    You are encouraged to sign up for and complete the following online courses to develop your digital legal skills further and gain additional qualifications to help you impress potential employers:

    • The Duke of York Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award (iDEA) working towards your bronze award. iDEA is an interactive programme that improves digital, enterprise and employability skills
    • Westlaw and Lexis Library Legal Research Basic Certificates.

    The Future of Business

    What are the opportunities for business in the future? Starting with a grounding in the business context you will gain an understanding of economics and the digital environment, including the role of the digital economy. We will explore some of the key challenges that are on the horizon such as the impact of massive digitisation and industry 4.0, inclusive growth, food security and the climate emergency, and look at the opportunities for business to provide responsible and sustainable solutions

    Contract Law

    A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties which, if it contains the elements of a valid legal agreement, is enforceable by law. The contract law module concerns itself with the rules governing such agreements. You will be acquainted with the role contract law performs in business and economic activity. The course also aims to teach the principles that underlie the common law of contract and explain the effect of legislative intervention on the common law principles of contract law. You will learn both the common law rules and legislation affecting contract law, as well as the ability to avoid contractual disputes and/or solve them


    Data Analysis for Business

    Using data effectively is central to business success and this module will provide a grounding in the key skills you will need to understand and use data. You will develop an understanding of the concepts required for the use and interpretation of the quantitative methods used to analyse business data. You will practice your essential Excel skills and learn to use Minitab, a statistical software package used by companies to spot trends, solve problems and use data to gain insight.

    This module prepares you for more advanced studies dealing with quantitative analysis in business and economics.

    In the first semester, you have the opportunity to choose a short (10 credit) module in an area you might be interested in or that you've never tried before. Details of what these are will be announced in December.

    Year two

    Professional Development

    This module will enable you to plan and carry out appropriate professional development activities to increase your employability and performance. These include self-presentation, professional networking, project planning and implementation, team working, influencing and multimedia communication. You will gain all the necessary experience required to take advantage of global employment opportunities.

    Project Management

    During this module we take a detailed look at various aspects of Project Management through a variety of means such as lectures and practical seminars informed by research and industrial collaborations. We will focus on theoretical approaches, tools and techniques of planning and controlling projects.

    We will discuss project management as an important and integral part of a business whether this is product or service based.

    Analysis for Management Decision Making

    Analysing and understanding data is at the heart of business decision making. In this module you will build on the data analysis skills that you learned in your first year, looking specifically at analytics relating to law and getting practical experience of using data to inform management decisions. You will work with data used every day by law professionals and develop the skills you will need for your future career.

    Live Project in Business Law

    This module is a chance to get hands on experience inside a real organisation. Working in teams, reflecting your future working environment, you will help one of our partner organisations develop a solution to a current business and law problem. This is a chance to apply people, project and time management in practice and to see how your solutions can apply in practice. Our employers tell us that experience of live briefs is important to them, and this is your chance to apply the knowledge you have gained on the course in that context.

    Media Law

    This module will introduce you to the key aspects of Media Law. You will develop a range of skills that are important not only for your law degree but also to take forward and develop after your graduation.

    We will consider some of the legal, moral, social and political debates which exist in this area of law. We will examine issues such as the freedom of the press, reporting restrictions and pretrial publicity as well as defamation, privacy and harassment.

    Employment Law

    This module looks at complex issues relating to employment law. We will consider how the law defines ‘employment’ and the impact that this legal definition has on how the area is regulated. We will explore the current law on discrimination, termination of employment, the employment contract, the impact of reform and how this affects the employee and employer. We will also cover redundancy, occupational stress and employability status.

    On this extremely emotive module, we consider interesting and relevant case law, as well as analysing the current legal frameworks and the socio-legal research available in this area.

    Legal Aspects of Business

    This module introduces you to the operation of global legal systems and the areas of law that underpin the practice of effective business management. You will develop a working knowledge of law relating to contracts and their effective negotiation in different business environments.

    Optional placement year

    Professional Experience Year

    We encourage all our BSc students to apply for a one year professional placement, which takes place between your second and last years of study.

    This is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of and over the last five years, 90% of Salford Business School undergraduates taking a one year placement secured a 2:1 or 1st class Honours degree.

    We will help you find out about vacancies and make the right connections with high profile employers through regular events and presentations.

    Here is just a small selection of the companies our students have enjoyed placements with so far: NatWest, Barclays and the Cooperative Bank; BP, Esso and Shell; IBM, Hewlett Packard and Compaq; Ford, Vauxhall, Jaguar and Nissan; Marks & Spencer, Selfridges and Sainsbury’s; Eli Lilly, Glaxo and ICI; Fujitsu, Marriott and Virgin.

    During this year, you will not pay fees to the University and will earn a wage for the work that you do.

    Year three

    Business Ethics and Sustainability

    This module equips you with an appreciation and in-depth understanding of the implications of Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability within national and international organisations. This module will also develop your knowledge with respect to the importance of the balance between shareholders, stakeholders and the purpose and values of the organisation. It will explore the roles of social and technological innovation in global ethical organisations in order to prepare you for future employability.

    Strategic Management

    This module offers an organisational perspective by exploring strategy techniques and processes. You will apply your knowledge and understanding of strategy to a variety of real world organisations, using analysis and enquiry techniques at the forefront of strategic research and practice. This will prepare you for a career in business and management and enable you to reach your potential as a next generation manager.

    Innovation and Entrepreneurship

    Employers tell us that they are looking for employees with an entrepreneurial mindset.  Or perhaps you're thinking of setting up your own business.

    In this module you have the opportunity to undertake an enterprise project for an internal or external sponsor on a topic of common interest.  Alternatively, you can use this opportunity to undertake in-depth research for your own project, for example, a business plan if you are wanting to start up a company after you graduate. The nature of the project will be negotiated by yourself, the module leader and the sponsoring company. 

    Leadership and Management in Business Law

    This module will help you to develop your leadership skills and prepare you for your future career. You will explore theory, behaviour, people management and leadership within an organisational context and apply this to the legal sector. This is an opportunity to develop the skills you have gained in the early part of your degree and apply them to prepare you for the responsible and authentic leadership that future

    AI and Law

    Emerging technologies are having a major impact on society and also transforming the way lawyers provide legal solutions to clients. This module introduces key technologies that have the potential to change how lawyers operate in practice, with a particular focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI). You will look at topics such as data mining, data protection, how robotics interacts with the law and the legal implications of present-day issues such as driverless cars, military applications and care robots. With an understanding of the interaction between legal, technical, ethical and business issues in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Law, you will gain a grounding in the technical aspects of autonomous technologies that will enable you to perform better in your future roles.

    Company Law

    This module covers the law relating to the formation, financing, and management of companies, and related corporate activity.

    Please note that it may not be possible to deliver the full list of options every year as this will depend on factors such as how many students choose a particular option. Exact modules may also vary in order to keep content current. When accepting your offer of a place to study on this programme, you should be aware that not all optional modules will be running each year. Your tutor will be able to advise you as to the available options on or before the start of the programme. Whilst the University tries to ensure that you are able to undertake your preferred options, it cannot guarantee this.

    What Will I be Doing?


    Employability focused


    Our teaching is focused on supporting you to gain hands-on experience for your career.  Right from the start you will develop the practical skills as well as the theoretical knowledge that you will need when you begin working. Our academics are experts in their field and work closely with industry to ensure that our courses reflect the needs of business and provide you with that extra edge when it comes to securing a job. 

    You will learn through a combination of lectures, seminars and tutorials using a wide range of learning activities such as business simulations.


    Don’t bypass the Clifford Whitworth library, it really is a beneficial resource for you. The friendly library team will help you develop the skills you need to be successful in your studies and in your work. 


    We use different forms of assessment in different modules and wherever possible these will reflect the types of work you will do in the ‘real world’ for example, report writing, presentations and business pitches. Exams will only be used when it is a requirement for professional accreditation.

    At the beating heart of it

    Salford Business School is located in the Maxwell building overlooking the University’s beautiful Peel Park campus and just minutes from Manchester city centre. Teaching facilities include Lady Hale and Chapman buildings, which offer stylish modern spaces with lecture theatres equipped with the very latest technology and large screen displays. Lady Hale is also the home for the mock courtroom where the mooting team hone their skills in case presentation and debate.

    The University library isn’t just for reading books.  The ‘library in the park’ is a fresh, modern learning space with PC suites, Mac computers, bookable working rooms and café.  It's open 24/7 everyday of the year (except Christmas Day!) so you can study when it suits you. 

    A dedicated Employability team will help you with work placements and access to work skills.

    Throughout campus, there is a choice of individual study areas, communal learning and breakout spaces, plus a selection of food outlets.

    Be part of our Business School community

    Salford Business School aims to foster the next generation of leaders and create a new vision of innovative and entrepreneurial leadership. We are integrated into the local business community as a hub for knowledge creation and exchange. We are proud that our industry collaborations and partnerships benefit students, businesses and the community.

    Our goal is to prepare you for a fulfilling life and professional career. Along the way, you’ll learn to be curious, adaptable and confident, ready to meet the digital, ethical and sustainability challenges of the 21st century.

    Student support

    We want you to enjoy your time studying here, but we understand that there may be times you need a little extra support to help you. The Business School student progression team is here to help you progress through your courses as smoothly as possible.

    University-wide, askUS is at the core of our student support service, offering information and advice on matters such as finance, wellbeing and counselling, accommodation and more. If you have any worries, concerns, or need advice on a particular topic, visit askUS on campus.

    Find out more about Student Support Services  at Salford.

    Getting Here

    If you’re planning on commuting, both our MediaCityUK and Peel Park campuses are perfectly placed. Whether by bus, rail, bike or car, we’re easily accessed from all over Greater Manchester, Lancashire and beyond. 

    Get more information about your options for commuting, or hear about the experience from current students

    Employment and stats

    What about after uni?


    A postgraduate degree is a great option if you want to take your knowledge and skills to the next level. Salford graduates and alumni also receive a significant fees discount. 

    Learn about our postgraduate courses


    Business Management with Law equips graduates with skills and knowledge that are applicable to a variety of sectors and positions. With the option to take part in a paid work placement following your second year, you won’t only gain an understanding of key theories and concepts, but learn how to put them into practice in a real-world setting. We have used our close links with industry partners to make sure the programme is highly practical, career-focused and industry-informed so you are ready for a successful career. We are proud to work with our student panel to ensure our teaching is relevant, inclusive and respectful for all.

    Salford Business School alumni have moved into careers at organisations of all shapes and sizes: BMW, American Express, BBC, Citibank, Ladbrokes and Numberica to name just a few. As a graduate with a degree in Business Management with Law, you will be well placed to embark on careers in personnel management right through to finance. It is also a great grounding if you are thinking of running your own business.

    We asked our industry contacts what they look for when employing graduates. Here’s some of the advice they gave:

    Soft skills – the communication, the listening, the team working - are really, really key. Graduates need to demonstrate how they’ve acquired some soft skills whether that’s been undertaking a project or demonstrating time management.” Vivine Cameron, Education Partnerships Executive, The Chartered Insurance Institute

    Learn more about how industry has shaped our programmes

    A taste of what you could become

    A business manager

    A Personnel manager

    An Entrepreneur

    And more...

    Career Links

    The University of Salford grew out of the institutes of the late 19th century that provided a talented, technically proficient and professional workforce to support the UK’s rapidly growing industries. In the 21st century, this still holds strong. Whilst industry has changed significantly, the need industry-focused education is equally relevant today.

    The Business Management with Law curriculum is developed with input from industry partners. We teach the skills that employers need and as a result, our graduates enjoy excellent international career prospects.

    The curriculum across our undergraduate courses balances academic teaching and professional experience, allowing you to apply theory in practice in a way that has been proven to produce highly employable, articulate business professionals who have forged the contacts that will help develop their future careers.


    What you need to know


    This course offers excellent scope for any student wanting to start a career in management, finance, law and a variety of other different business areas. Knowledge and expertise in law and business are highly sought after by employers across a wide variety of sectors. This course will appeal to a range of applicants and there is no need to have studied these subjects before to be successful.


    Applicants will be required to show a proficiency in English. An IELTS score of 6.0, with no element below 5.5, is proof of this.

    Standard entry requirements


    Maths and English at grade C or grade 4 or above (applicants who do not have the equivalent of grade C or above, GCSE Mathematics and GCSE English will be considered on a case by case basis).

    You must fulfil our GCSE entry requirements as well as one of the requirements listed below.

    UCAS Tariff points

    72 UCAS Tariff points

    GCE A level

    72 UCAS Tariff points from a minimum of one A2 pass.

    BTEC National Diploma

    MMP (BTEC Extended Diploma)

    T levels

    Pass (D or E in the core subject)

    Access to HE

    A minimum of 72 UCAS Tariff points from a QAA Approved Level 3 Access to HE Diploma to contain a minimum of 45 credits at Level 3 and 15 at Level 2 to total 60 credits overall for the full award.

    Scottish Highers

    72 UCAS Tariff points from a minimum of one Advanced Higher.

    Irish Leaving Certificate

    72 UCAS Tariff points from a minimum of one Higher Level subject

    If applying to start from September 2024, you will need 80 UCAS Tariff points.

    European Baccalaureate

    72 UCAS Tariff points

    International Baccalaureate

    26 points - including a grade 5 in standard level maths and grade 6 in standard level English or grade 4 in higher level maths and grade 5 in higher level English.

    Alternative entry requirements

    Salford Alternative Entry Scheme

    We welcome applications from students who may not meet the stated entry criteria but who can demonstrate their ability to pursue the course successfully. Once we have received your application we will assess it and recommend it for SAES if you are an eligible candidate.

    There are two different routes through the Salford Alternative Entry Scheme and applicants will be directed to the one appropriate for their course. Assessment will either be through a review of prior learning or through a formal test.

    How much?

    Type of study Year Fees
    Full-time home 2024/25 £8,250.00 for Foundation Year and £9,250.00 for subsequent years.
    Full-time home 2025/26 £8,250.00 for Foundation Year and £9,250.00 for subsequent years.

    Additional costs

    You should also consider further costs which may include books, stationery, printing, binding and general subsistence on trips and visits.

    Apply now

    All set? Let's apply

    Still have some questions? Register for one of our Open Days or contact us:

    By email: enquiries@salford.ac.uk
    By phone: +44 (0)161 295 4545

    Enrolment dates

    September 2024

    September 2025

    UCAS information

    Course ID 3N56

    Institution S03