
A student takes notes

Sign up to Wordscope and improve your academic writing.


Wordscope is a programme of tuition with a proven record of helping students to overcome common writing problems such as inappropriate punctuation, faulty sentence structure, and confused paragraphing.

The programme is free to registered students of the University of Salford. You can choose to undertake a programme of five or ten workshops. Each workshop lasts 90 minutes. The workshops are delivered on campus or online.

Topics covered

Find out what you will learn as the weeks progress and decide if Wordscope will suit your needs.

Workshop 1 Writing Complete Sentences
Becoming an Active Writer
Workshop 2 Sentence Clarity: How to Use the Comma
Controlling Ideas and Breaking Bad Habits
Workshop 3 More Advice on the Comma
Paragraph Coherence: How to use a Topic Sentence
Workshop 4 Building More Complex Paragraphs — the Triangle Shapes
Honing Your Ideas with Subordinate Clauses
Workshop 5 Better Paragraph Coherence with Transitional Words and Phrases
Create Complex Sentence Structures: Using the Colon
Workshop 6 Effective Strategies for Linking Sentences and Ideas
Improve Your Thinking and Writing with Definition
Workshop 7 More on how to Improve Paragraph Coherence
Improve Your Thinking and Writing with Division
Workshop 8 Write Astonishing Sentence Structures with the Semi-Colon
Improve Your Thinking and Writing with Classification
Workshop 9 Impress Your Friends: Use the Parenthesis and the Dash Correctly
Generate Interesting Ideas the Easy Way
Workshop 10 Choosing Your Words Carefully: Be an Active Writer
Proofread Accurately or Perish

Book on a Wordscope group

Take a look at the groups we are running and book onto one which suits your availability.

Wordscope workshop supplements
Workshop 1
Workshop 2
Workshop 3
Workshop 4
Workshop 7

Wordscope testimonies

Thousands of students at University of Salford have taken the Wordscope writing workshop programme and found it an incredibly useful and beneficial experience, one which enhanced their academic writing and gave them a set of valuable skills to take into the job market.

"I would recommend Wordscope to any undergraduate studying at Salford, as I feel that the skills you learn can have a direct impact upon the marks attained for written work. Wordscope sessions have taught me to rethink how I use punctuation, and I now use commas as tools to create sentence clarity, rather than just inserting them by guesswork. Considering that the entire course spans only a few hours, Wordscope is a worthwhile investment for students wishing to reduce essay stress and boost their grades."
Claire Longden, English Literature

"Wordscope has been a fantastic experience. It has enabled me to be more objective about my writing, looking at it from the perspective of the reader, to create work with more clarity and structure. Since completing the course my grades have improved and, more importantly, Wordscope has given me confidence in my ability to produce work to a 'consistently' high standard."
Joanne Pritchard, Bsc (Hons) Psychology

Apply for a certificate

Students who have completed the course can apply for a Wordscope certificate.

Contact us

Students -- If you have any general queries about Wordscope, please email wordscope@salford.ac.uk. DO NOT use your personal email to contact us: use your University email.

Staff -- If you would like to discover how Wordscope can be taught to your students or to members of staff, please contact the Wordscope Director, Dr. Carson Bergstrom, at wordscope@salford.ac.uk.