Writing Support

Communicating in an academic style through the written word is a skill you will need to develop to get good grades throughout your University career. Learn how to boost your academic writing here.

Let's get you to the right academic writing support...

I need general help with academic writing skills

Do you need help with the following academic writing skills?

  • breaking down an assignment brief
  • planning and writing an assignment
  • demonstrating critical analysis
  • reflective writing
  • referencing
  • understanding feedback
  • using evidence in your work
  • how to approach different types of assessment.

If so, we recommend you take a look at the following Skills eLearning topics.

We offer workshops throughout the academic year. They cover a range of topics which will be helpful if you want to develop your academic writing skills. Take a look at our workshop schedule.

English isn't my first language

  • If English isn't your first language then you may benefit from the workshops offered by LEAP (Learn English for Academic Purposes). Their free online English language webinars and support is designed to help you develop your academic English so that your work is of a higher quality.

    LEAP also offer a programme designed for PhD students.

    For more information visit the LEAP webpages.

  • You may also find the British Council's LearnEnglish website useful as a starting point.

I have a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD)

  • If you have, or suspect you might have, a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD) such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD, or any other neurodiverse condition that affects your learning you can contact askUS for support with your studies. They support neurodiverse students, provide dyslexia assessments, can develop Reasonable Adjustment Plans and can provide assisting software.

    For more information visit the Disability Inclusion Service webpages.

I need help with punctuation, grammar and sentence construction

  • eLearning - We recommend you start by taking a look at our Tools for good academic writing eLearning.
  • Study Guide - Spelling and Apostrophes
  • Wordscope - If you can attend a programme of workshops over five or ten weeks consider enrolling on Wordscope. Wordscope is a programme of tuition with a proven record of helping students to overcome common writing problems such as inappropriate punctuation, faulty sentence structure, and confused paragraphing. The programme is free to registered students of the University of Salford. You can choose to undertake a programme of five or ten workshops. Each workshop lasts 90 minutes. The workshops are delivered on campus or online.

    For more information visit the Wordscope webpages.