International student support

If English is not your first language, or if you are new to studying in the UK, it is essential that you familiarise yourself with the help and University guidance available to you before you begin your studies.

We have created this page of resources so that you can begin your learning journey as soon as possible, with the confidence of knowing you are able to meet the expectations of the University.

Skills and knowledge you need to develop

Before you arrive

All new students should click on the links in this section and complete the learning provided.

After you arrive

All new students should click on the links in this section and complete any relevant learning. You don't need to complete everything in this section - choose the content that will help you to settle into learning in the UK.  

Strengthen your future job applications

It's never too early to start thinking about your career. The Careers and Enterprise team offer:

  • online resources
  • bookable appointments
  • employability masterclasses
  • employer events.

Contact them for information and advice on:

  • writing CVs
  • job applications and interviews
  • how to start your own business.

If you decide to work in the UK during and after your studies, we understand guidelines can be complicated and confusing. Gain information and advice from our Careers and Enterprise service to help you find and apply for work, and make the most out of your studies and time at University.