Finding information

Developing good information searching skills can help save you time and help you get results that are most relevant to help expand your subject knowledge and complete your university work. It will help you to think critically and solve problems in the workplace, remain industry aware, enhance your digital skills and contribute to your life-long learning journey.

Academic information and why it is important

Learn why it is important for you to search for, find and use academic information in your university work and assessments.

  • Estimated duration is 10 minutes.

Module reading lists and how they can help with assessments

Learn what module reading lists are, how to access them and ways to use the information you find in your module reading list to help you complete your assessment. 

  • Estimated duration is 15 minutes.

Use Library Search to find academic information for your assessments

Learn how to perform a search for different types of academic information in Library Search and how to use filters to make your results more relevant.

  • Estimated duration is 15 minutes.

Search the web well for University study and assessments

Learn when it is best to use different web search pages such as your favourite search page or Google Scholar and understand how to use Google Scholar to find academic information. 

  • Estimated duration is 15 minutes.

Planning your search for academic information

Learn why it's important to plan your search for information and be able to identify keywords and key phrases from your assessment brief to search for relevant and useful results.

  • Estimated duration is 15 minutes.

Lean Library: Access the academic information you need easily on the web

Learn what Lean Library is and how it can help you find the academic information you need when searching the web. 

  • Estimated duration is 15 minutes.

AI Awareness

Learn what Generative AI is, when it is okay and not okay to use it in your academic work and personal development, as well as some general guidance on how to use it correctly.

Evaluating sources

Learn about appraising and evaluating the information you find to check for issues of Credibility, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy and Purpose.

  • Estimated duration is 15 minutes.

Using evidence in your work

Learn how to paraphrase and summarise evidence correctly in your writing, why it's important to use in text citations and when to use direct quotations

  • Estimated duration is 15 minutes.

Critical writing

Learn about what critical thinking is, how to critically analyse, the benefits of critical thinking and the difference between critical and descriptive writing.

  • Estimated duration is 20 minutes.

Databases: What are they and how they can help you with your assessments

Learn what a database is, why it is important to use databases for your research and identify which databases are helpful for the subject you are studying.

  • Estimated duration is 15 minutes.

Read, take notes and use academic information in your assessments

Learn best practice tips for getting the most out of reading for academic purposes, identify different note-taking strategies and know how to use the academic information your have found in your assessments. 

  • Estimated duration is 15 minutes.

Academic Skills Workshops

Screenshot of the academic skills workshops portal showing four topic blocks: study and research, IT and digital, maths and numeracy and Library welcome.

Elevate your skills and knowledge with us!

We offer a wide range of academic skills workshops delivered online and in-person on campus. This is a great place to start if you want to:

  • Improve your study and research skills.
  • Develop your IT and digital skills.
  • Focus on your maths and numeracy.

Workshops are added regularly, so keep checking back to see what's new!