What can I do with a Wildlife degree?

Red panda

Human impact on the natural world is having a devastating effect on wildlife habitats and biodiversity. It's more important than ever that we take steps to protect and safeguard wildlife and ecosystems. During your studies you'll develop a range of skills to make a difference. Read on to discover more about careers in wildlife conservation. 

Climate Change Careers

A degree in wildlife conservation can open doors to a wide-range of roles and career opportunities. It could lead to finding roles at zoos and animal sanctuaries looking after species conservation in captivity. Graduates have also found roles in country parks and protected conservation areas, helping to rebuild and protect habitats in the wild. There are also a growing number of opportunities in environmental consultancies and in a range of environmental education roles. 

Squirrel monkey in tree foliage

As the effects of climate change become more extreme, we need more wildlife conservation and environmental professionals to work to reduce the negative impact.

From renewable energy development to ocean management, there are interventions we can make now to lessen the impact in the future.

Explore some related roles and courses that can help to fight climate change.

Wildlife Conservation Courses at Salford

BSc (Hons) Wildlife Conservation

Study wildlife conservation to start your career protecting habitats, safeguarding endangered species and restoring biodiversity. 

Explore our wildlife conservation courses:

BSc (Hons) Wildlife Conservation with Zoo Biology

Study Wildlife Conservation with Zoo Biology to focus on organisms’ relationship with their environment and learn about conservation practices for animals both in the wild, and in zoos and nature reserves.

Explore our Wildlife Conservation with Zoo Biology courses: