A detailed planning application will soon be submitted for the construction of a clinic building at the University of Salford’s Frederick Road Campus.


Frederick Road New Clinic Building

The proposed building will be part of the University’s School of Health and Society. Kier has been selected by the University to build the new clinic building. It will be a three-storey building which will be located on the current Mary Seacole car park, meaning that it will have a prominent position adjacent to the A6 and next to Salford Crescent Train Station. Clinical grade spaces will be provided for teaching Podiatry, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Sports Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy and Gait Analysis as part of the University’s mission to train new generations of healthcare professionals and to support the NHS in tackling workforce challenges. In time, community healthcare clinics will also take place there as partnerships are developed to explore research opportunities and to provide a range of therapeutic sessions.

The clinics will also play a key role in tackling health and social inequalities by providing public services on site, reducing waiting lists and increasing accessibility of community services. The building will have a modern public facing offer, with a café space, accessible roof, and lots of green spaces and terraces to promote wellbeing for all. Throughout the design, consideration has been given to incorporating social prescription, equity of access, neurodiverse needs and trauma-informed design. The building will help to tackle climate change through minimising energy demand and using low carbon and renewable energy solutions. It will be allelectric and the design team is aspiring to deliver a zero carbon building utilising BREEAM and WELL building standards.

Have Your Say: Drop-in event

We are holding a drop–in event for anyone who wants to find out more or would like to ask any questions about the proposals. 

The University of Salford
Mary Seacole Building
Frederick Road Campus
M6 6PU

Thursday 1 February 2024 - 16:00 to 19:00

Timescales and Next Steps

We will be submitting the planning application in spring 2024. Once submitted, it will be available to view and comment on online via Salford City Council’s planning portal.

Subject to receiving planning permission, the development is anticipated to begin on site in summer 2024