Priya graduated from our BA Broadcast Journalism programme in 2019. Since leaving Salford, she has gone on to forge a career in the radio industry and is now a presenter at Switch Radio in Birmingham and a producer for Free Radio and Signal 1.

Priya Matharu portrait

Why did you choose to go to university?
I chose to go to university because it seemed like the natural next step when finishing sixth form. I also wanted to move away from home and experience living independently for the first time. Furthermore, I wanted to stay in education and explore the world of journalism. Going to university was the best place for me to do this.

Why did you pick Salford?
Salford was number one on my list and I’m sure this is the same for a lot of people! The main reason I chose Salford was because of MediaCity. I thought it would be a brilliant experience to work in a place where there are so many opportunities.

What made you want to get into the creative industries?
Something about the media, radio and the creative industries always appealed to me growing up, however, I never knew exactly what career I wanted to pursue. When I came across the course, I immediately knew that this was something I wanted to do. Confidence was something I struggled with growing up, and I knew that a course like this would really push me out of my comfort zone and force me to come out of my shell. It worked and since then I have presented a national radio show, hosted events and interviewed a range of people. I was also aware that there wasn’t as many South Asians pursuing creative careers, so this made me want to give it a try and see where it could take me.

Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date?
There are so many people who have inspired me over the years. Anita Rani is someone who I’ve always looked up to as she is a South Asian female who is very successful in the media industry. Furthermore, Bobby Friction is inspiring as he is so passionate about South Asian music and is one of the most authentic broadcasters in this industry.

What’s been your favourite television series/film that you’ve watched in 2023?
I watched ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’ at the cinemas recently. I really loved the storytelling, and the animation was incredible! I also like the introduction of an Indian Spider-Man and his character was very relatable to a South Asian audience. Feels great to see this representation in the latest Marvel film. Plus, I am a big Marvel fan!

What achievement are you most proud of in your career to date?
An achievement I am most proud of was presenting a show on BBC Radio 1. This was on the Christmas guest presenter schedule in 2019 and I presented ‘Asian Beats’. It was an amazing experience to present on national radio and work with the team at Radio 1 at such an early stage in my career.

What role do you see yourself doing in five years?
I would love to have increased my presenting work. Ideally, my long term career goal is to present and produce radio, as well as branch out into television and events.