Meet Temitope Omojaro

A person plans a project on a noticeboard

Temitope did a three month paid industry placement as part of her Project Management programme. Here she discusses her experience, the benefits of a placement and what she learnt from it all. 


Temitope Omojaro portrait

Where did you do your industry placement?

I did my placement at the University Hospital of South Manchester (now, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust), Wythenshawe.

What did it involve?

I was responsible for managing a project as part of the cost improvement programme. The project involved reviewing the governance and existing process around the mobile communication device within the Trust, suggesting areas of waste and making recommendations on the elimination/ reduction of such wastes.

What did you enjoy the most?

The most interesting part for me was having to review the Trust’s mobile phone policy, making appropriate recommendations where necessary and getting it ratified by the board. The updated policy will continue to be a legacy I left behind. I also enjoyed having to meet various stakeholders and engaging them in meaningful conversations.

How will it benefit you in the future?

My experience as an intern project manager has laid a solid foundation for me and has given me the hope of a bright future in the project management career.

What did you learn from the experience?

As a project management student, I learnt that realistically, projects do not always work to plan and a project manager needs to be proactive in making decisions (using project gateways) that will help to avoid the abandoning of important projects. I also learnt the importance of having a clear sense of any project.

Would you recommend a placement to other students?

I would definitely recommend a placement to other students. Apart from the obvious fact that is a good addition to your CV, it also helps you to appreciate and have a better understanding of what you have been taught in the classroom. You also have the opportunity to develop soft skills and take part in on-the job training during your placement.