Meet Cherrelle Walters-Tarry

Five students in conversation at the University of Salford

Cherrelle, studying BSc Human Resource Management, talks to us about her time at Salford as well as her experiences studying the Mobile, Media and Marketing module (previously called 'The Principles of Marketing'). This revised module aims to teach students the core skills surrounding modern marketing utilising interactive technology. 


Cherrelle Walters-Tarry portrait

Journey to Salford Business School

I worked full time since I was 16 but always knew, when the time was right, I wanted a degree. HR is something I have always been passionate about so in July 2020 I decided to apply as a mature student. I was wary about whether I would get on to the course because I only had GCSE’S and work experience – I couldn't believe how easy it was to apply and how helpful Salford University are.

I decided to come to the University of Salford because I know many people from the ages of 18 to 40+ who had studied here. As well as this, Salford are known for their Alternative Entry Scheme, which meant that with my work experience I was able to get on the course, so this was another advantage. 

Mobile, Media and Marketing Module

The Mobile, Media and Marketing module gives you an introduction to the key skills in marketing and a real insight into this industry. It was easy to relate to a lot of the topics and the lectures/seminars were engaging and interesting. Regardless of the age of the student everyone was able to take part in the discussions. The topics are based on modern day examples so topics such as seeing how businesses adapted to the pandemic were really interesting! Due to the pandemic, our lectures and seminars were all online and so online workbooks were provided. These were a great way of teaching – extremely informative and helped a lot!

We were always reminded of the drop-in sessions where we could have a Team’s call and discuss any of our issues, but I always used email communication with Mirage (the course tutor) – I am the type of person where if I don’t understand something, I will ask, and it was very helpful to be able to have this form of communication.

My generation is the ‘technically savvy’ generation and the future is digital, so I really think Marketing is a career that will always be there. No day will ever be the same because you always have to adapt, research and review which is something that appeals to me. Marketing is now something I will consider to study in the future, I really connected with the module and it is something I can see myself being a part of. 

Advice for Future Students 

Coming from someone who hadn't had any further education experience, been independent since I was 17 years old and worked full time since I left school, coming to university was always seen as a risk - am I too old? Can I financially afford it? What if…

Seven months later it was the best decision I ever made!

My advice is do it!

The amount of support you get from the university is amazing. There is additional support for everyone including counselling and financial support. Take it from someone with experience, if you come across any ‘hurdles’ in your personal life, please make sure you speak to someone – they are there to help you.

After University

I always thought I wanted to just do my degree and get a job but now I am considering an internship/placement and a masters – go me!!