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KTP Associate Opportunities
Research and development engineer (KTP Associate)
Opportunity ID 1956
Opportunity Closing Date 15/10/2023, 23:55
Primary Location Other KTP (only)
School or Business Research & Enterprise
Contract Type Full Time Fixed Term
Anticipated end date March 2025
Salary Other KTP (only)
Salary £30,000 - £35,000
This is an exciting opportunity for an ambitious Engineering graduate to fast-track their career development as a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Associate. The successful candidate will undertake a 15-month collaborative project between Farrat Isolevel Ltd (a family owned and operated business operating in the construction, industrial and power generation sectors) and the University of Salford (School of Science, Engineering & Environment).
This post is a dynamic role looking to develop and implement a vibro-acoustic simulation strategy that integrates experimental measurements and numerical models, all within a mixed fidelity framework. Based in Altrincham, Cheshire you will be supported by the staff from the company and an academic team from the University of Salford whilst undertaking scientific research work. In addition to working in a commercial company in close contact with other staff, the Associate will gain experience of being a key player within the growth of the business. It is hoped that the associate will secure a full time position with the company partner on successful completion of the KTP as a permanent employee in order to implement the methodology on real world projects and to continue to support R&D activities.
This project will provide Farrat with the tools and capability necessary to maintain the high levels of innovation critical to their growth strategy in the long term. In particular, the project aims to embed within the company a novel hybrid measurement/modelling methodology for the prediction of vibration and structure borne noise based on cutting edge research carried out at the University of Salford by the academic team. A key challenge of this project will be to apply a now well-established measurement procedure for the characterisation of building and machine installation sub-systems and to combine this data with other sub-system elements that can be modelled, e.g. using finite elements or statistical energy analysis. Such approaches are generally only employed by high tech industries such as automotive and aerospace so their use within the building and construction industry is cutting edge in terms of application and reflects the ambition of Farrat Isolovel to become world leaders in their field.
The successful candidate will receive extensive practical and formal training, gain highly desirable specialist business skills, broaden knowledge and expertise within an industrially relevant project, and gain valuable experience from their commercial and academic mentors. The KTP Associate will benefit from a Personal Development Budget of £5,000 in addition to their salary and will have the opportunity to register free of charge for a postgraduate research qualification.
Please address all the role requirements in your application, even if these are also covered by your CV.
IPhD Opportunities
Developing the evidence base to improve quality of care and health outcomes for children and young people in CAMHS psychiatric intensive care units (PICU) and other acute environments.
PhD Title: Developing the evidence base to improve quality of care and health outcomes for children and young people in CAMHS psychiatric intensive care units (PICU) and other acute environments.
The studentship is with University of Salford and National Association of Psychiatric Intensive Care
Academic Supervisor: Dr Celeste Foster
Academic Co-Supervisor: Professor Alison Brettle
Industrial Supervisors: Dr Beryl Navti
The studentship is fully funded and includes:
- A fee waiver
- A stipend of £18,662 PA for three and a half years
- All bench fees and consumable costs
- Funds specifically allocated for the project
Final date for applications: 16th April 2024 12:00pm
Interviews will take place on 23rd April 2024
The candidate must be in a position to register by May 2024
This post graduate research project is part of a larger study which will include a programme of national stakeholder and service user engagement. The successful candidate will work with the project team using a mixed methods research design to establish a comprehensive understanding of how care provision for children and young people experiencing acute and complex mental health needs is organised, implemented, and used in the UK. Identifying barriers and enablers to effective child-led intensive mental health care provision and drawing out implications for improving standards for future design and delivery of intensive therapeutic mental health care for young people.
Research Objectives:
1) To develop a systematic and comprehensive understanding of the needs of young people requiring intensive/inpatient mental health care, where they are currently receiving this, the nature of such provision, outstanding needs and challenges, and examples of best practice and innovation.
2) To make a significant contribution to the nascent evidence base for effectively meeting the needs of children and young people experiencing serious mental health problems.
3) To use the learning from this project to improve care quality and health outcomes for children and young people who need intensive psychiatric care.
About Business Partner National Association of Psychiatric Intensive Care
National Association of Psychiatric Intensive Care and Low Secure Unit (known as NAPICU) is a Scottish Charity, SC048876, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR). NAPICU is a not-for-profit multi-disciplinary organisation, which was formally established in 1996 and is also a registered charity. NAPICU is committed to developing and promoting the speciality of psychiatric intensive care. We are dedicated to improving patient experience and outcome, and to promoting staff support and development. We promote research, education and practice development using quarterly meetings and annual conferences, our peer reviewed journal, training initiatives, our online and social media presence, through securing funding for research in to seldom-researched groups and topics, and development of evidence-based national practice standards.
- Have a relevant health science degree and some experience of child/youth or mental health/social care-related subject area.
- A willingness to develop research design and implementation skills.
- Post Graduate qualification or working towards one.
- Ability to demonstrate some relevant knowledge and experience of children and young people’s mental health and/or mental health care environments.
- Ability to engage with a variety of clinical stakeholders and mental health practitioners
- Knowledge of designing and conducting mixed methods research, including data collection within health care services, and data analysis, although some of this is expected to be learned during PhD studies.
- Previous experience of research (academic and industrial supervision team will provide support to develop these skills)
You will be expected to disseminate your research both to your academic peers and to external stakeholders, working with the project leads and project officer to maximise the impact of your work on child and adolescent mental health practice.
Post-registration practitioners in mental health, psychology, and social care subjects, who are looking to develop their research skills and career trajectory, e.g. Nurses (NMC), Psychotherapy & Counselling, (e.g. UKCP, BACP, BABCP, BPC) Social Workers (SWE), Occupational therapy or Psychology (BPS, HCPC), Pharmacists (GPhC) or equivalent are encouraged to apply.
Funding Eligibility: This studentship is only available to students with settled status in the UK, as classified by EPSRC eligibility. Please visit the UKRI Industrial CASE page for more information.
Enquiries: Informal enquiries may be made to Dr Celeste Foster,
Curriculum vitae and supporting statement explaining their interest should be sent to:
Note to applicant: In addition to applying for this role the successful candidate will also be required to complete the University application process which applies to all students wishing to study at The University of Salford. Find out how to apply for research studies.
PhD in Acoustics
University of Salford
PhD in Acoustics
Research Topic: Blast noise control
The studentship is with the University of Salford and DNV Spadeadam Research and Testing
Academic Supervisor: Professor David Waddington
Academic Co-Supervisors: Dr Olga Umnova and Dr Andy Elliott
Industrial Supervisor: Daniel Allason / Gethin Manuel
The studentship is fully-funded and includes:
- Full tuition fee waiver
- Enhanced stipend of £17,668.00 p.a. for 3½ years, plus paid accommodation at Spadeadam for years 2 and 3
- Bench fees and consumable costs
- Funds specifically allocated for conference travel
Final date for applications: 5 June 2023
Interviews will be held on: 12 and 13 June 2023
The candidate must register by: 18 September 2023
Acoustics and audio research has been conducted at University of Salford for over 60 years. It is funded by research councils, national and international government bodies, and industry. Our research has fed into products that companies make and sell worldwide, as well as regulations and standards used in the UK, Europe and internationally. We currently have about twenty research active staff and a lively community of PhD students. Staff and students have won numerous awards for their research.
We have world-class acoustics laboratories: listening rooms, reverberation rooms, anechoic chambers, an accredited calibration laboratory and state of the art equipment and instrumentation. Through the laboratories we are able to bring much of our fundamental research into real life applications. The Acoustics Research Centre is the primary partner for Acoustics research in the BBC Audio Research Partnership.
We are looking for a PhD candidate to work on developing methods for the control of noise from explosions used in industrial processes. The successful candidate will be expected to develop analytical theory and numerical simulations of the suppression of blast noise, and perform laboratory and field experimental trials to develop and validate the solutions. The candidate will spend the initial proportion of their time at the University of Salford for research skills development and laboratory pilot studies, and will then will be located at the DNV Spadeadam Research and Testing site.
Part of the DNV Group, the Spadeadam Research and Testing site conducts a wide variety of fire, explosion and blast testing for the maritime, energy and renewables industries, the results of which are used to develop products, protect people and infrastructure. Their strategic aim is to make Spadeadam Research & Testing a world-leading test facility, and to achieve this it is necessary to ensure that the business is not put at risk by adverse impacts of noise to personnel or the environment. This research follows on from a PhD funded by DNV on managing environmental impacts of noise from on-site testing.
Better control of on-site testing noise should provide:
- Reduced risk to hearing from short duration, high-level explosive noise to best protect employees, visitors and clients
- Improved scheduling of trials, reducing costs from potential delays.
- Extension of the testing day and season, potentially increasing the number of trial slots to be conducted without generating adverse noise impacts.
Existing models for the control of noise from these types of operations are few and far between. This means that the systems developed to control explosive noise may be the first of their kind in the world.
We are looking for high quality candidates with an expertise in the following areas;
- Cognate acoustics, mathematical, physics, or engineering background
- Experience of experimental design and measurement, preferable noise
- Multi-Channel data acquisition systems and transducers (desirable)
- Good computer programming skills (e.g. MATLAB/PYTHON)
- Highly numerate with experience of data analysis
- Strong written and verbal communication skills
- Ability to work independently and within teams
Funding eligibility:
To be eligible for the full maintenance grant, students must be a UK/EU National or be able to demonstrate a relevant connection with the UK, usually through being ordinarily resident for a period of 3 years immediately prior to the date of application for an award. Member states of NATO will also be considered.
Note to applicants:
In addition to applying for this role all shortlisted applicants will also be required to complete the University application process which applies to all students wishing to study at The University of Salford. Find out more on how to apply for research studies on our postgraduate research page.
Informal enquiries to Professor David Waddington:
CV and supporting statement to: