Prof Julian Bass

School of Science, Engineering & Environment

Photo of Prof Julian Bass

Current positions

Professor of Software Engineering


Prof. Bass is researching software development for large-scale systems focusing on multi-national teams and using modern lean and agile methods. He also has interests in deployment architectures used in cloud-hosted software services and is leading an iCASE PhD with Add Latent Ltd to develop and deploy machine learning approach to asset degradation in the energy and utility sectors.
Julian has published over 100 research articles and papers and attracted around £1M in research and technology transfer funding. He has published in journals and magazines such as IEEE Software, Empirical Software Engineering (Springer) and Information and Software Technology (Elsevier).
Prof. Bass has co-chaired the Large-Scale Agile Workshop at the Agile Alliance XP Conference and the IFIP Working Group 9.4 conference on the Social Implications of IT in Developing Countries.
He was formerly Higher Education IT Advisor to the Higher Education Strategy Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and worldwide technical Training Manager for Chordiant Software, a Silicon Valley-based enterprise CRM vendor.

Areas of Research

Agile software engineering, Agile software evolution, Technical debt, Cloud-hosted software services

Agile software development including large-scale and multinational teams. Creating new knowledge in global software engineering, deployment of cloud-hosted software services and ICT for international development in the global south (ICT4D).  
Software evolution and legacy systems, software archaeology, code transformation and source code analysis.


Prof Bass is programme leader for the MSc in Software Engineering.
On the undergraduate Computer Science and Software Engineering programmes he supports the HackCamp part of Software Projects with Agile Techniques module.

Qualifications and Recognitions

  • MEd Teaching and Learning for University Lecturers

  • PhD

  • BSc (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering
