Dr Holly Flynn-Piercy

School of Health & Society

Photo of Dr Holly Flynn-Piercy

Current positions

Knowledge Exchange Fellows


Holly is currently the Knowledge Exchange Fellow within the School of Health and Society, a role she commenced in March 2023. She has been at Salford since April 2019 and was previously a Research Fellow within the School Enterprise Team.

Holly has a doctorate in Politics and International Relations (from Durham University) and a Masters in Political Science from Marquette University (in Wisconsin, USA). Her professional background is in Events Management and Policy Analysis and she spent 2 years working for an Political Events company in London, prior to completing her PhD in 2018.

In her current role, she focuses on raising awareness of (and providing training on) Knowledge Exchange across the School and supports with monitoring and capturing of KE activity for the REF, KEF and HE-BCI returns.

Areas of Research

Holly's research interests are at the intersection of political leadership and health care, specifically health care reform. She is interested in understanding the impact senior leaders have on the reform and decision-making process and how history, culture and society can affect leadership and political outcomes.


Holly has previously taught within the Social Policy department, on modules such as Health and Wellbeing, the Policymaking Process and Ideological Approaches to Welfare.

Qualifications and Recognitions

  • PhD (Political Science and International Relations)

    2012 - 2018
  • MA Political Science

    2009 - 2011
  • BA (Hons) American Studies (with International Study)

    2005 - 2009