Dr Gordon Fletcher
Salford Business School
The Crescent,
University of Salford, M5 4WT
Current positions
Associate Dean: Research and Innovation
Gordon Fletcher is Associate Dean: Research and Innovation at Salford Business School. In this role, Gordon leads the development of the School's research presence and profile as well as guiding bidding activities, staff development and impact activities.
Gordon’s research focuses on specific examples and experiences of digital business, culture and practice. He has published work around conflict within online finance communities, economies within virtual game world and the practices of online grieving and mourning. Other work includes the use of science fiction prototyping in the development of business visions and the delivery of executive courses around Digital Transformation and Innovation. Gordon is an editor of Digital and Social Media Marketing: A Results Driven Approach (Routledge 3rd ed due 2024), Strategic Digital Transformation (Routledge 2nd ed due 2024) and co-author of Creating an Effective Digital Presence (Routledge 2020) and co-created many of the models that underpin the core philosophy of these books. Most recently Gordon has published the open access monograph, Management and Visualisation: Seeing beyond the strategic.
Gordon has taught a variety of subjects since 2002 including Java and PHP programming, systems design as well as digital transformation both generally and specifically within the sports environment. These subjects have necessitated developing a hands-on and interactive approach to pedagogic practice.
Areas of Research
digital transformation, strategy, visualisation, digital culture, critical software studies, programming, future studies
Areas of Supervision
Digital transformation, the social, economic and cultural impact of digital transformation, the use of technology-based solutions in micros and SMEs, innovation across all the technology readiness levels including ideation processes, future studies including the role of generative AI and other applications of AI technologies.
programming, digital transformation, information systems
1995 - 2006
Design Thinking and Co-creation in the Business Curriculum
Fletcher, G., & Kutar, M. (2023). Design Thinking and Co-creation in the Business Curriculum. International Journal of Management and Applied Research, 10(2), 283-297. https://doi.org/10.18646/2056.102.23-022
Management and visualisation: seeing beyond the strategic
Fletcher, G. (2022). Management and visualisation: seeing beyond the strategic. London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003304166
Creating a Successful Digital Presence
Fletcher, G., & Adolphus, N. (2021). Creating a Successful Digital Presence. Taylor and Francis. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003026587
Digital transformation during a lockdown
Fletcher, G., & Griffiths, M. (2020). Digital transformation during a lockdown. International Journal of Information Management, 55, 102185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2020.102185
Hiding in the light : recognising UK mid size businesses as a distinct category and their economic and social value to the nation
McKenna, S., Fletcher, G., & Griffiths, M. (2019). Hiding in the light : recognising UK mid size businesses as a distinct category and their economic and social value to the nation