Eloise Kalavsky

School of Science, Engineering & Environment

Photo of Eloise Kalavsky

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Current positions

PhD Student, Test Technician and Physics Teaching Support


I started my BEng in Acoustical and Audio Engineering in 2015 and graduated with a 1st Class (with Honours) in 2019. In 2017 I did a 15 month work placement at the University of Salford Acoustic Testing, Calibration and Thermal Testing laboratories.
After graduating in 2019, I started my PhD titled 'Poroelastic metamaterials for simultaneous noise and vibration mitigation', which I am currently completing part-time.
Alongside my PhD studies, I am working in the University of Salford Acoustic Testing Laboratory and supporting teaching on the Physics Foundation degree.
Outside the University I have done consultancy for Glastonbury Festival noise control and testing materials and microspeakers for University spin-out company, CarbonAir Ltd.

Areas of Research

Acoustics, metamaterials, porous and poroelastic materials for noise and vibration control.

Areas of Supervision

Poroelastic Metamaterials for Simultaneous Noise and Vibration Mitigation.


Mathematics - Physics Foundation Year.
Physics - International Physics Foundation Year.
Physics Lab (demonstrating) - Physics BSc.

Qualifications and Recognitions

  • BEng Acoustical and Audio Engineering

    2015 - 2019