Dr Edmund Chadwick

School of Science, Engineering & Environment

Photo of Dr Edmund Chadwick

Current positions

Associate Professor/Reader


B.Sc. Hons. Maths and Physics, Univ. Manchester 1988, Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, Univ. Manchester 1992, FIMA Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications

Present appointment:
Reader in Applied Mathematics 2010

Previous appointments:
Subject Head Computer Networks & Maths, 2021
Head of Mathematics, University of Salford, 2010
Senior Lecturer, Mathematics, University of Salford 2008
Lecturer grade B, Maths, University of Salford 2001, Lecturer grade A, Maths, University of Salford 2000
Senior Scientific Researcher, BAESYSTEMS ATC:Sowerby, Filton Bristol 1998
Senior Researcher, Hitachi Research Lab., Trinity College, University of Dublin, 1996
Hitachi Fellow, Department of Mathematics, Trinity College, University of Dublin 1996
Research Associate, University of Durham 1995, Research Assistant, Newcastle University 1993

Areas of Research

• I have written an Existence and Smoothness proof of the Navier-Stokes problem, one of the Clay Mathematics Millennium problem challenges of our time, and the climax of my academic career, published on arXiv May 2023 https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.14219, with invited speaker presentations Rutgers Univ., BAESystems, and Univ. Leeds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYSTpDVyoNU.
• EPSRC PI grant (on-going) successfully verifying this Navier-Stokes formulation for industry relevant practical problems.
• Culmination of previous work towards this in high impact journals Proc. R. Soc. A, J. Fluid Mech., SIAM Jour. Appl. Math., Fluid Dyn. Res., Phys. Fluids, Phys. Rev. D., Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng., Parallel Computing, J. Aersospace Engng., ZAMP, Proc. Math. Sci.
• Nine Ph.D.’s graduated, one M.Phil graduated, two Ph.Ds theses submitted April 2023.
• Catherine Richards best paper Prize in IMA journal Mathematics Today.
• A Gravitational Expansion explanation for Dark Matter published in Phys. Rev. E.
• Bill Morton young researcher prize for novel Global Climate ModeI, ICFD, University of Oxford, 1998.
• Over 70 peer reviewed publications.
• PI grants in 14 separate projects, grants from: EPSRC (5, 2 PI, 1 Co-I), STFC, TSB, HESTEM, IMA, NCTL. Named in 19 separate grant awards.


• Initiated a successful mathematics apprenticeship degree route jointly with partners Sellafield and Wigan&Leigh College with first apprentices graduating June 2023.
• Currently developing with partners Sellafield and Wigan&Leigh College a mathematics HND within the Institute of Technology (IoT) for projected start September 2024.
• Levelling up scheme organised nationwide via Department for Education and IMA, Greater Manchester spoke University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University
• University of Salford representative, Head Of Department Of Mathematics Sciences (HODOMS) and Isaac Newton Institute (INI).
• Creator and Developer of BSc Mathematics and BSc Financial Mathematics, University of Salford.
• External Reviewer and Adviser, Maths Programmes, Aston University, external Examiner, BSc Maths Staffordshire University, external Panel Member, BSc Mathematics Newman University.
• Previous positions: past Chair North-West Branch of Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), executive committee of Festival of Mathematics (2014), IMA@50, chair of Maths In Action outreach at University of Salford and University of Warwick, Maths outreach Royal Institution Christmas Lectures MOSI, Media presence radio 5 live, newspaper articles in Guardian and Times.
• Editor of book: Employer Engagement, case studies in HE.