Dr Currie Moore

School of Health & Society

Photo of Dr Currie Moore

Contact Details

2.50 Mary Seacole Building, Frederick Road Campus, University of Salford, Salford, M5 4WT

Current positions

University Fellow


I am a University Fellow in the Centre of Applied Health Research in the School of Health & Society. My research focuses on better understanding how to improve well-being and treatments for people with long-term conditions and the people who care for them. To date my research has focused on people with chronic kidney disease and their families.

I utilise both quantitative and qualitative methods in my research and also have experience developing patient-reported outcome and experience measures (questionnaires). Patient and public involvement and co-production are central to my research.

Previous research
I completed my MRES from the University of Manchester (Dissertation Topic: Exploring the role of self-cannulation in home haemodialysis decision-making). I then obtained a PhD candidacy via the University of Manchester's Medical Research Council’s Doctoral Training Programme and was awarded a Presidential Doctoral Scholarship. During my PhD, I examined the impact of starting dialysis on couples’ relationships and their quality of life. From October 2020-July 2023, I was a Research Fellow at the University of Hertfordshire leading an NIHR Research for Patient Benefit funded study to develop and validate a patient reported experience measure which assesses patients’ experience of having haemodialysis needles inserted.

- B.A. Psychology, Furman University (USA)
- MRES Psychological Sciences, University of Manchester (UK)
- PhD Health Psychology, University of Manchester (UK)

Areas of Research

- Chronic kidney disease
- Carers
- Qualitative methods
- Co-production
- Scale development
- Mixed methods

Areas of Supervision

~ Qualitative methods
~ Health psychology
~ Chronic kidney disease
~ Patient and public involvement / Co-production
~ Scale development

Qualifications and Recognitions

  • Health Psychology

    2014 - 2020
  • Master of Research

    2012 - 2013
  • Psychology

    2002 - 2006