Prof Ben Light

School of Health & Society

Photo of Prof Ben Light

Known as

Ben Light

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Current positions



My research concerns people’s everyday experiences of digital media with a focus on (non)consumption, gender and sexuality, digital methods, and digital media engagement for arts, culture, health and wellbeing. I am author (with Susanna Paasonen and Kylie Jarrett) of NSFW: Sex and Humor in Social Meida (2019 MIT Press) and Disconnecting with Social Networking Sites (Palgrave 2014). I have published widely in journals such as New Media and Society, First Monday, Information Communication and Society, Cultural Sociology, Information Technology and People, Convergence and Continuum. I am an Associate Editor for New Media and Society and Social Media and Society.

Organisations I have worked with include: Health Education England, the Northern Care Alliance, the LGBT Foundation, the Albert Kennedy Trust (AKT), the State Library of Queensland, the London Symphony Orchestra, the Imperial War Museums, Brook Advisory, the NHS Cancer Screening Programme, and Cooperatives UK.

As well as working at the University of Salford (1999-2014; 2016 to present), I have held positions at the University of Manchester and Queensland University of Technology. I have also worked outside Higher Education, for the NHS, the NHS Executive and Yorkshire Mesmac.

Areas of Research

Online Dating and Hooking Up, Gender, Sexuality, Digital Methods, Internet Studies, Social Media.

Areas of Supervision

Social Media
Digital Society
Digital Media
Digital Methods
Hookup Apps
Online Dating
Internet Studies

Qualifications and Recognitions

  • Technological Appropriation

  • Information Management

  • Consumer Studies (1st Class Honours)


