Dr Ali Alameer

School of Science, Engineering & Environment

Image of Dr Ali Alameer coming soon

Current positions

Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence


Ali Alameer is a lecturer in Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a specialisation in Computer Vision. He did his Ph.D. in Computer Vision and Machine Learning from Newcastle University.

With previous positions at renowned institutions like Newcastle University and Queen's University Belfast, Ali has established himself as a researcher in AI and machine vision for precision livestock farming. His primary focus revolves around the development of deep learning models, specifically tailored to create AI systems for behaviour analysis in large groups of animals.

In the field of precision pig farming, several algorithms for detecting pig behaviours in large groups were developed by Ali. The resting posture can be viewed in the demonstration here:

A system that quantifies social contact between individual pigs, serving as a metric to predict tail biting, was developed by Ali. The demonstration for this system can be found here:

A system that accurately quantifies feeding behaviour at the group level was also developed by Ali. The demonstration for this system is available here:

To explore further into the codes developed by Ali's research, you can check his GitHub repository here:

Ali is currently serving as the Guest Editor for two special issues. The first one is titled "Application of Sensor Technologies in Livestock Farming," and the second is "Machine Vision Solutions and AI-Driven Systems in Agriculture."

For the special issue "Application of Sensor Technologies in Livestock Farming," Ali is leading as a Guest Editor for the prestigious journal Agriculture, which holds an Impact Factor of 3.6. You are cordially invited to submit your work for consideration. To learn more about the scope and submission details, please visit the special issue page here:

Additionally, Ali is also overseeing the special issue on "Machine Vision Solutions and AI-Driven Systems in Agriculture." For further details and submission guidelines, please refer to the special issue page here:

Areas of Research

- Precision Livestock Farming: Applying computer vision, AI, and automation techniques to improve livestock monitoring, behaviour analysis in precision livestock farming systems.

- Computer Vision: Developing innovative algorithms and models for image and video analysis, object recognition, and scene understanding.

- AI Bias and Fairness: Investigating ethical considerations and developing methods to address bias and fairness issues in AI systems, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Areas of Supervision

I am presently open to accepting PhD students in the field of Artificial Intelligence, specifically focusing on precision livestock farming.

At the moment, I am supervising two PhD students. Feel free to contact them for information about the supervision process or any other informal inquiries:

1. Elham Albaroudi - e.o.albaroudi@edu.salford.ac.uk - PhD topic in AI fairness
2. Gbadegesin Taiwo - g.a.taiwo@edu.salford.ac.uk - PhD topic in machine vision for detecting advanced pig behaviours


Ali Alameer takes a lead role in developing and delivering key modules in the MSc in AI programme. He has designed and developed the module on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Learning from scratch, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of cutting-edge technologies in these fields. This module equips students with practical skills in NLP techniques, including text classification and topic modelling, as well as deep learning algorithms for image and video data. Ali's expertise and hands-on approach in teaching this module enable students to apply these techniques to real-world problems, fostering their critical thinking and analytical abilities.

Additionally, Ali supervises a substantial number of MSc projects and BSc final year projects, providing guidance to approximately 11 students per semester.

As a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Ali actively engages in professional networks and stays abreast of current trends and research in teaching and learning.