New Library resources

Discover new library resources: journals, databases, industry materials, and digital archives, tailored for your research and teaching needs.


These are new resources that we have recently acquired or currently have on a trial basis. They are a curated combination of databases, journals and eMagazines, eBooks, industry resources and digital archives which have been identified to meet the evolving teaching and research needs at Salford. This forms part of our ongoing commitment to provide our students and researchers with the latest high-quality, digital library content.

African Diaspora, 1860-Present
Description A global collection essential for an international understanding of black history and culture. The contributions, struggles, and identities of those who lived the African Diaspora come to life through personal accounts, video, and primary sources in this global black studies collection that focuses on the migrations, communities, and ideologies of people of African descent.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of our collection development and the University's strategic aims.

Visit African Diaspora, 1860-present

Bloomsbury Costume and Dress Library
Description The first comprehensive online collection for the interdisciplinary study of dress and costume history, design and making. It offers an indispensable scholarly and educational resource to support the study of dress history, costume studies and costume design. It can be accessed by the Fashion Central database.
Recommendations Recommended by Caroline Davenport
Bloomsbury Digital Fashion Masterclasses
Description Brings together unique video masterclasses from industry innovators giving you extensive insider expertise. Accompanied by written business case studies, this collection is designed to enhance your teaching and studies. It is a coherent, detailed, and unique way to access digital fashion.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of our collection development and the University's strategic aims.

Visit Bloomsbury Digital Fashion Masterclasses

Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method
Description The one-stop online resource to explore the theory, methods and historiography which underpin history as a discipline. It was named one of the best databases of 2022 by the Library Journal and provides comprehensive educational tools. 
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of our collection development and the University's strategic aims.

Visit Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method

Bloomsbury Music and Sound
Description A digital hub that allows users to intuitively explore worldwide artists and genres from the mid-20th Century to the present day. It contains both the Bloomsbury Popular Music Book Collection and Sound studies which are ideal for anyone studying music or acoustics. 
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of our collection development and the University's strategic aims.

Visit Bloomsbury Music and Sound

Description The full-text counterpart to EconLit, the American Association’s authoritative index for economic literature, making it the most reliable full-text database for economic research.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of our collection development and the University's strategic aims.

Visit EconLit

Emerald Core eCases
Description Gives students the opportunity to explore real world challenges and test their decision-making skills before taking their knowledge to the workplace. 
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of our collection development and the University's strategic aims.

Visit Emerald Core eCases

Maternity and Infant Care
Description The world’s largest midwifery-specific database, and a key information resource used by maternity health care professionals and student midwives worldwide to support their research, practice, and study requirements.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of our collection development and the University's strategic aims.
National Theatre Collection 3
Description Now available via Drama Online. The third National Theatre collection has launched with ten performances, from Greek tragedy, a medieval morality play, and Shakespeare, to plays about Generation Z. The collection will complete with a further ten performances in February 2024
Recommendations Recommended by Kelli Zezulka and Tracy Crossley
Policy Commons: Public Health and Social Care
Description A wealth of information from health providers, hospital systems, foundations, patient groups, practitioner groups, governments, think tanks and other organisations into a single resource.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of our collection development and the University's strategic aims.
ProQuest One Psychology
Description A curated multi-format collection, specially designed to support the unique needs of psychology and counselling curricula across research, teaching and learning. It offers essential information delivered through a specialty interface designed to support the varied needs of those in the discipline.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of our collection development and the University's strategic aims.
Springer Protocols
Description The largest database of reproducible laboratory protocols (more than 66,000) in biomedicine and life sciences. Users can find the right protocol for their lab set-up, eliminating the need to compromise or find ‘workarounds.’
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of our collection development and the University's strategic aims.
Sustainable Business Development Goals
Description Multi-media content database eResource. It is based on the 17 sustainable goals as identified/recognised by the United Nations and the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) The content comprises approx. 20k relevant book chapters, approx. 2k journal articles and a large selection of teaching and learning material.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of our collection development and the University's strategic aims.
Visible Body
Description Provides a comprehensive 3D exploration of health science and general biology — no safety goggles or fancy equipment required! With its full 3D dissectible anatomy and biology models, interactive physiology simulations, short animations, self-paced A&P boot camp, and Flashcards for studying, VB Suite is the ultimate one-stop shop for learning and understanding the life sciences.  
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of our collection development and the University's strategic aims.
Industry Resources
BJN Inform
Description An evidence-based resource, created to give nurses quick access to clinical content in easy, bite-sized format. The content covers clinical conditions and procedures, person-centred care and professional skills. Though it has been created with busy NHS nurses in mind, the content would also be very useful for nursing students looking to develop their practice. We also have CPD functionality to allow users to track and record their reading activity for revalidation.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of our collection development and the University's strategic aims.
LinkedIn Learning

At the University of Salford students and staff have free access to thousands of professionally produced online courses with LinkedIn Learning. 

Its library of 22,000+ courses offer you a broad range of online learning created by industry experts, enabling you to build the skills that matter. It is constantly updated as new technologies and workplace skills needs emerge.

Always use our institutional link to sign in for your free access.

Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of our collection development and the University's strategic aims.

Learn more about LinkedIn Learning

Digital Archives
1980s Culture and Society
Description An eclectic and multi-faceted resource compiled from archival collections housed across the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. Capturing diverse perspectives, materials produced by grassroots organisations and under-represented groups are presented alongside government records and mainstream media to showcase the key social, cultural, and political concerns of the decade.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of collection development to support the University's strategic aims.

Visit 1980s Culture and Society

British Online Archives - Censorship: Policy and Practice During the Second World War
Description The collection contains more than 17,000 images collated from Ministry of Defence files at The National Archives. It begins by surveying the first tentative steps that were taken, following the outbreak of conflict in 1939, to implement and to co-ordinate censorship.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of collection development to support the University's strategic aims.
Gender, Feminism, and the British Left, 1944-1991
Description This collection contains records compiled by the Communist Party of Great Britain's (CPGB) Women's Department during the period 1944–1991. These records include minutes, agendas, and promotional materials from various women's campaigns, events, and conferences. They also include copies of Link, the party's women's magazine, and Red Rag, a controversial journal published by the party's more militant feminist members. 
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of collection development to support the University's strategic aims.

Visit Gender, Feminism, and the British Left, 1944-1991

ProQuest Primary Sources
Description Museums, specialty archives and other content providers around the world offer unparalleled primary source collections that engage, inspire and inform researchers at every level. Some resources are available digitally only. You can access around 50 of ProQuest's primary source collections via Library Search.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of collection development to support the University's strategic aims.
Royal Shakespeare Company Archives
Description Provides an overarching record of the performance history of the Royal Shakespeare Company and its predecessor, the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. The collection contains over 1,400 prompt books allowing researchers to uncover how productions took shape.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of collection development to support the University's strategic aims.

Visit Royal Shakespeare Company Archives

Shakespeare's Globe Archive: Theatres, Players & Performances
Description Offers a comprehensive insight into performance practice of the unique space. It details how the theatre was constructed as a place for radical experiment. It documents over 200 performances through prompt books, wardrobe notes, and much more.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of collection development to support the University's strategic aims.

Visit Shakespeare's Globe Archive: Theatres, Players & Performance

The Subculture Archive
Description An educational and cultural research resource of primary sources exploring 100 years of youth culture through the scenes, styles, and sounds that forged them. From Rave, Punk, Rockabilly to Grime.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff as part of collection development to support the University's strategic aims.
Bloomsbury Video Library
Description A streaming platform designed to provide students, teachers and researchers with access to a rich range of thematic video collections across the arts, humanities and social sciences. Bloomsbury Video Library's collections include documentaries, interviews with well-known practitioners/artists/professionals, filmed performances, masterclasses, instructional videos, feature films and more.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.

Visit Bloomsbury Video Library

SAGE Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonising Research
Description Supports users in conducting research that is both critical and inclusive, offering a rich library of inspiring videos, case studies, datasets, and how-to guides. 
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.

Visit SAGE Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research

Journals and eMagazines
Alloy Digest
Description Provides easy-to-compare data for industrially important metals and alloys. Each datasheet provides alloy compositions, properties, performance characteristics, applications, and processing details.
Recommendations Recommended by lecturers
Description The quarterly language magazine that brings you cutting-edge linguistic research in an accessible and colourful format. The digital issues cover a vast array of language lovers’ lore, taking in languages from around the world; the past, present and future of language, and the many different uses of linguistics in the world around us.
Recommendations Recommended by Hazel Price
Historical Research
Description Published since 1923, this is a leading generalist history journal, covering the global history of the early Middle Ages to the 21st century.
Recommendations Recommended by Brian Hall
The International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport
Description Aims to present current original research into sports performance. In so doing, the journal contributes to our general knowledge of sports performance making findings available to a wide audience of academics and practitioners.
Recommendations Recommended by Mark Quinn and Steve Atkins
Journal of Air Transportation
Description Devoted to the dissemination of original archival papers describing new developments in air traffic management and aviation operations of all flight vehicles. This includes unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and space vehicles, operating in the global airspace system. The scope of the journal includes theory, applications, technologies, operations, economics, and policy. 
Recommendations Recommended by Francis Wolff, Omar Ariff & Viktoriia Myroniuk
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology
Description A refereed journal designed to significantly advance thought, theory, and research on applied aspects of sport and exercise psychology.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.
Nature Ecology and Evolution
Description A monthly journal publishing original peer-reviewed research in all areas of medicine based on its originality, timeliness, interdisciplinary interest and impact on improving human health. Nature Medicine also publishes commissioned content, including News, Reviews and Perspectives, aimed at contextualising the latest advances in translational and clinical research to reach a wide audience.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.
Nature Medicine
Description A monthly journal publishing original peer-reviewed research in all areas of medicine based on its originality, timeliness, interdisciplinary interest and impact on improving human health. Nature Medicine also publishes commissioned content, including News, Reviews and Perspectives, aimed at contextualising the latest advances in translational and clinical research to reach a wide audience.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.
Nature Reviews Cancer
Description A means for cancer researchers - from those investigating the molecular basis of cancer, to those involved in translational research - to access the information they need to diagnose, treat and ultimately prevent cancer.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.
Nature Reviews Disease Primers
Description Covers a range of different diseases. Each Primer provides a global overview of the field and outlines key open research questions.  
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.
Nature Reviews Genetics
Description Covers the full scientific breadth of modern genetics, capturing its excitement, diversity, and implications. The journal publishes Research Highlights, Comments, Reviews and Perspectives relevant to geneticists and genomicists.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.
Periodicals Archive Online
Description A major archive that makes the backfiles of periodicals in the humanities and social sciences available electronically, providing access to the full text of a growing number of digitised periodicals. There are currently more than 700 journals and 3 million articles with content covering over 37 different subjects
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.

Visit Periodicals Archive Online

Bloomsbury Screen Studies: Filmmaking Collection
Description Provides a dedicated collection of more than 100 practical ebooks. Features in-depth coverage across key areas of filmmaking including production, screenwriting, cinematography, direction, and the business of film.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.

Visit Bloomsbury Screen Studies : Filmmaking Collection

Bloomsbury Visual Arts: Architecture Design & Practice Online
Description Includes more than 200 titles focusing on studio design, technical detail, and professional practice – perfect for the student and the professional designer. It contains in-depth guidance, technical detail, and a wealth of case studies and more than 15,000 images. 
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.

Visit Bloomsbury Visual Arts - Architecture Design & Practice Online

Business Expert Press ebook Collections
Description Digital library of business disciplines and special topic collections is a revolutionary new compilation of e-books. Each book represents the most current and applied review of the theory and practice of the author's area of expertise: from accounting to supply chain management.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.

Visit Business Expert Press eBooks

Drama Online - Nick Hern Books Modern Plays
Description Includes more than 875 plays from many of the UK and Ireland’s preeminent playwrights, as well as exciting new voices. It offers a varied range of award-winning and widely studied plays, and is continually updated with new works fresh from leading theatres.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.

Visit Drama Online - Nick Hern Books Modern Plays

Institution of Civil Engineers - ICE Virtual Library
Description The eBooks provided by the Institution of Civil Engineers provide both academic and practitioner-based content, helping prepare students for the industry. There are titles covering management and career development, structural design, and construction planning. 
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.

Visit Institution of Civil Engineers - ICE Virtual Library

Lived Places Publishing
Description Publishes applied, concise course readings that help faculty illuminate the experience of social identity and the lived places we share. Their eBooks are created with the intention of being accessible, insightful and to provide course-aligned readings. 
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.
Oxford Scholarship Online - Law
Description The academic law list at Oxford University Press has a strong tradition of developing exceptional work across the full breadth of legal scholarship. The publications range from the foundations of legal history and philosophy to analytic and comparative work on legal doctrine and empirical research on law in modern society.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.

Visit Oxford Scholarship Online - Law

Springer Nature eBook Collections

Offer must-have research with in-depth, contextualised, and interdisciplinary views on research topics. We have acquired the following subject collections:

  • Behavioural Science & Psychology
  • Business & Management
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Intelligent Technologies
  • Medicine
  • Law & Criminology
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.

Visit SpringerLink

Synthesis Collection of Technology
Description Provides coverage of cutting edge topics in the fields of engineering and computer science.This collection contains short, focused books, aimed at bridging the gap between journal article and an average book. As such Books in this collection are based on techniques, reviews and course notes and defined as “lectures”. Some popular titles include: Creating Autonomous Vehicle Systems, Second Edition and Bayesian Analysis in Natural Language Processing, Second Edition
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.
Taylor & Francis eBooks: RIBA Collection
Description This ebook collection presents must-have, trusted publications from the Royal Institute of British Architects that aspire to inquire, inform and delight. It includes books on diverse topics such as winning work, designing for the climate emergency and architecture for social change, as well as books that make the most of access to the RIBA world-renowned Collections.
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.

Visit Taylor & Francis eBooks: RIBA

Taylor & Francis Curated eBook Collections

Provides award winning digital content. The collections include textbooks and practical guides which serve everyone from students to researchers to practicing professionals. We have acquired the following collections:

  • Research Methods
  • Climate Change & Sustainability
  • Structural Engineering
  • Green Technology and Energy
  • Women's Studies
  • Black Studies
  • Ethnic Studies
Recommendations Identified by Library Staff to update existing collection.

Visit Taylor & Francis eBooks