

Reasons to volunteer

Volunteering means offering unpaid help to a group, organisation, cause, or community. While unpaid, volunteer roles can boost your employability and enrich your CV with new skills.  

Here are some reasons to volunteer: give back to communities, make a difference, skill development, and career exploration. Volunteering opens doors to employment and uncovers new career paths. 

Volunteering offers: 

  • New skills, knowledge, and experience 
  • Enhancement of existing skills and knowledge 
  • Valuable addition to your CV 
  • Improved employment prospects 
  • Utilisation of professional expertise for the benefit of others 

Your rights

Volunteering doesn't come with an employment contract or the same rights as an employee. However, you should receive a volunteer agreement that covers important details: 

  • Training provided 
  • Supervision and support levels 
  • Insurance coverage (employer/public liability) 
  • Health and safety guidelines 
  • Covered expenses 

A volunteer agreement isn't mandatory, but it clarifies what you can expect from the organisation. Check out the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) for more on volunteers' legal status.


Where can I volunteer?

Most organisations take on volunteers. Target organisations you're interested in and reach out directly to explore their volunteer programs. Larger companies often have dedicated web pages with detailed information on volunteering.  

A number of internal volunteering opportunities are available at the students union, for more information please email: ussu-volunteering@salford.ac.uk.

You can also find volunteering opportunities by signing up to Handshake.

Search the NCVO's database for a wide range of volunteering options.  

Join Do-It, the nation's pioneering digital volunteering service, connecting volunteers with engaging community groups.

Attend our Part-time Jobs and Volunteering Fair, held annually in October


When can I volunteer?

Choose the amount of time and frequency that works for you. Organisations don't always require full shifts; flexibility is valued. Emphasise consistency and long-term commitment over short bursts of intense volunteering. Two hours per week, consistently for two years, holds greater significance than a concentrated 30-hour commitment over a six-week summer break. 

Speak to a Careers Adviser

Get guidance from our friendly team of Advisers. Book an appointment or call 0161 295 0023 (option 5, option 3). 

Open to current students and Salford Alumni only.