Archives and Special Collections
We have material relating to the history of the University, from its foundations in 1896 up to the present day.
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This rich and diverse resource supports academic research, teaching and learning, while also being of wider interest to local historians, genealogists and anyone with an interest in historical research.
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About the Archives
We preserve and provide access to unique primary resource materials to cultivate teaching, learning and research at the University. Archives are records that we collect for permanent preservation due to their evidentiary or historic value, and the valuable information they can provide.
Mather Papers
FC Mather collected a large amount of notes when researching for his book After the Canal Duke: a study of the industrial estates administered by the Trustees of the Third Duke of Bridgewater in the age of railway building, 1825-1872 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970).
Arthur Hopcraft Archive
Arthur Hopcraft was one of the great scriptwriters of his day, well known for his TV plays such as The Nearly Man, and for his small screen adaptations such as Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, Hard Times and Bleak House.
Bartington Hall Papers
The collection contains business accounts, administrative records and other documents relating to the Bartington area. The majority of the material relates to John Antwiss of Aston, High Constable, banker, arable farmer and tannery director.
Walter Greenwood Collection
Walter Greenwood was born in Salford on 17th December 1903, and was educated at the local council school. After leaving school at the age of thirteen he worked in a succession of poorly paid jobs, as a pawnbroker's assistant, clerk, stable lad, maker of packing-cases, and was sometimes unemployed.
Salford Grammar School Records
Includes report books, student admission registers, staff registers, visitors book, photographs, Headmaster's reports, prospectuses, programmes and historical notes.
Oldham and Son Ltd Archive
Oldham and Son was founded in 1865 as a general engineering firm in Denton, Manchester, making machinery for the hatting and mining industries.