Support for academic staff

Our Teaching and Learning Support staff consist of School-based teams of Academic Support Librarians and Academic Skills Consultants, and a Student Digital Skills trainer. We have extensive experience in developing online and face to face resources to support students' academic skills.

The range of academic skills that we support includes:

  • Critical thinking
  • Information Searching
  • Planning and structuring an assignment
  • Academic Resilience
  • Academic writing
  • Referencing
  • IT Essentials

How we work with academic staff

Consultation on the best way of embedding academic support for your students across programmes and within individual modules at the appropriate time and the appropriate level.

The range of support we offer:

Integrating Skills in Programmes
We offer a digital-first approach for academic, research and digital skills training for students at L3 and L4, with a wide range of academic skills eLearning designed to be integrated directly into your programme via Blackboard. Some of these materials are also suitable for students at other levels and we are currently creating further resources. Your School Library team is available for conversations to discuss ideas and how to integrate skills into programmes – please contact us at the email below.

Embedded bespoke delivery
Face-to-face, online and blended teaching delivery, co-created between us and you, contextualised for your students. Our sessions are designed to engage students through active learning opportunities. Contact us to discuss.

Co-curricular offer
As well as embedded sessions, we offer a wide range of co-curricular workshops and online materials – it can be helpful to make your students aware of these.

Individual support for students
We offer some one-to-one support for students to develop academic writing skills and information searching skills. You are welcome to signpost students who would most benefit to this service, particularly as part of your feedback comments on their work.

LinkedIn Learning
The Library hosts LinkedIn Learning, an online education platform with more than 5,000 courses, mainly in the areas of professional development and digital skills. You can use these at any time to supplement your own learning or embed in your teaching. More information and log on details are available on the LinkedIn Learning web page. For support on embedding this in your teaching, please contact us.

Contact us

Training your students - What we do and don't offer

Research, academic and digital skills training

Work with us

The best way to incorporate skills support into your programmes is to:

  • make it specific to an assignment
  • have a clear learning objective
  • time it at an appropriate point of the semester
  • schedule the session into the timetable.

The more involved academic staff are in the process, the more successful the learning outcomes. Students are more engaged when sessions are relevant to their needs and co-delivered by tutors. Collaboration between the Library and academics works!

There are a number of ways that we can work with you:

  • Design the content
    Help us to design the workshop by providing subject-specific material, examples, assignment briefs, sample assignments, etc. that we can incorporate into the session.
  • Co-deliver the session with us
    This works particularly well when we give the skills advice and you provide the discipline-related detail, guidance and examples.
  • Use our resources
    We can assist with designing or providing resources such as PowerPoint slides and handouts that you deliver yourself. You can also use the online resources and choose the student engagement level (i.e. optional, directed, integrated or contextualised).

Ordering materials for your teaching

The Library’s Collections Policy outlines the Library's approach to providing high quality, fit for purpose collections which support the University's strategic goals for learning, teaching and research.

You are required to order materials for your teaching via the appropriate module on the University's online reading list system, Reading Lists at Salford. Additional materials for wider reading can be ordered via your Academic Support Librarian (see the contact details at the top of the page).

Staff and students can also Request new library items. In response to feedback that more books were needed, the Library has set money aside to buy additional copies of key texts or copies of books not currently in stock.

Decolonise your Reading List

Books and chairs in the library

Decolonising Reading Lists is an integral part of the work of decolonising the curriculum. Doing so enables all students to explore and reference different cultural histories and narratives in their work. This approach can also increase a sense of belonging within the University and, ultimately, contribute to the work of closing awarding gaps.

Self-service Password Resets

Password resets are the main staff query to the Service Desk. All staff can reset their own passwords using Microsoft's Get back into your account web page. We've produced guidance to help you reset your password.

If you're still experiencing difficulties after trying the password reset, please raise a ticket on the Service Portal.