Opening hours

Discover the opening hours for:

  • Clifford Whitworth
  • Lady Hale (The Cube)
  • Allerton
  • MediaCity
  • Careers Hub.


Clifford Whitworth Library

Open 24/7

Staffed: 8:00 - 21:00 every day

You will need your student ID card to access the building after 5pm on weekdays and all day at weekends. Library staff may ask to see your ID at any time.

Clifford Whitworth Building
M5 4WT

Lady Hale Building - The Cube

Lady Hale Building lit up with rainbow lights at night

Monday to Friday: 9:00 - 17:00

Weekends: Closed

Library staff can ask to see your student ID at any time. 

Allerton Learning Space

The entrance to the Mary Seacole Building

Monday: 8:00 - 19:30

Tuesday to Friday: 8:00 - 18:00

Weekends: Closed

Staffed: Monday to Friday 9:00 - 17:00

1st Floor, Allerton Building
Frederick Road, Salford
M6 6PU

Library staff can ask to see your student ID at any time.

MediaCity Library

A green and pink signpost showing destinations at MediaCity

Monday to Saturday: 7:00 - 22:00

Sunday: Closed

Staffed: Monday to Friday 9:00 - 17:00

MediaCity Library
3rd floor
Salford Quays
M50 2HE

The 50 and 51 buses are free when you show your University of Salford ID card.

The University building is behind Dockyard bar and Prezzo restaurant. Look  for the University of Salford sign. The library is on the third floor landing.

Library staff can ask to see your student ID at any time.

Careers Hub

The entrance to the Careers Hub

Students can visit the Careers Hub to:

  • Ask about careers and self-employment advice
  • Find job vacancies
  • Improve job applications
  • Develop interview skills.