Laptop loans

Laptop lockers

You can loan laptops at various locations. We offer laptop loans for 24 hours, 1 week, or 28 days.




How to loan a laptop from the lapsafe

How to return a laptop to the lapsafe

Laptop loans

Where are the laptops?

Location and current availability Device Types Loan Length
Clifford Whitworth A (Ground floor near PC suite) HP 24 hour
Clifford Whitworth B (Ground floor near PC suite) HP 24 hour
Allerton Learning Space C HP 1 week
MCUK G HP and MacBook - scan your ID to reveal how many of each type of laptop are available to loan 1 week
Clifford Whitworth H (1st floor near PC suite) HP and MacBook - scan your ID to reveal how many of each type of laptop are available to loan 1 week
Lady Hale J (1st floor) HP and MacBook - scan your ID to reveal how many of each type of laptop are available to loan 1 week
Clifford Whitworth (Enquiry Desk) HP- must submit an online request 28 days

To use the laptop off campus, you must log in on campus first using UOS_Wi-Fi.

You can borrow a charger from the Enquiry Desk at each location.

Laptop loans

Extended loan laptops

Extended loan laptops are 28-day loans.

Click the link below to request a laptop. You will be added to a queue.

Email will be sent to your Salford email address when a laptop is ready.

You must bring your student ID to the enquiry desk to collect it within the dates provided.


Laptop loans

Your responsibilities

You are responsible for the laptop and charger while you borrow them. Do not leave them unattended or give them to anyone else.

If the laptop or charger is lost, stolen, or damaged, you will have to pay a fee.

When returning the laptop, make sure it is plugged into the locker correctly or returned to a member of staff. If not, it will count as a failed return.

If you notice any damage, take it to the Enquiry Desk as soon as possible.

You may be banned from borrowing if you return laptops late or in poor condition. Please look after loaned equipment so we can keep this service running.

See the Library Loan Policy for details about your responsibilities when loaning items from the Library.

Item Fee
HP Laptop returned in an irreparable condition (specified by third party supplier) £886.80
Lost HP Laptop power cable £30
MacBook returned in an irreparable condition (specified by third party supplier) £1714.41
Lost MacBook charger £83.61
Returned device needs repairs Fee will be based on repair cost as determined by Digital IT
Laptop loans

Courtesy email

When you borrow a laptop and charger, you'll get an email. The email include laptop details and when you need to return the laptop.

You're responsible for returning items on time. If you don’t, you might get banned from borrowing or have to pay a fee. If you have an unpaid balance on your library account, it could stop you from attending your graduation ceremony.

TIP: You can log into your library account anytime to see what you have borrowed and when it needs to be returned.

Laptop loans

Key points

  • You are fully responsible for any damage to the equipment on your library account and the associated costs.
  • Report any damage, loss, or theft of equipment to the library services team immediately.
  • Return equipment in good condition.
  • You may need to pay the full replacement or repair cost for lost or damaged equipment.
  • Equipment must be returned on time.
  • Locker laptops must be plugged in or given to a staff member when you return them. If not, they will stay on your account.
  • Students who regularly return devices late will be banned from borrowing laptops. Bans can last from 7 days to 12 weeks. 
  • Outstanding balance on your library account will prevent you from attending your graduation ceremony.
  • Replacement fees can be referred over to an external fee collection agency.

How to guide: Lapsafe