
Salford research group rated as top experts in the UK

Categories: Research, School of Health and Society

The SalfordFASD team based in the School of Health and Society at the University of Salford has been ranked as the research group with the most expertise on foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in the UK. 

FASD is caused by drinking alcohol in pregnancy, and can make it difficult for children to communicate, keep friendships, and stay calm and still, among other difficulties. 

The SalfordFASD group has been recognised as the leading authority on FASD in the UK by Expertscape, an organisation that objectively ranks people and institutions by their expertise in biomedical subjects. Expertscape assigns ratings based on a variety of factors, including contributions made by countries, regions, cities, institutions, and individuals. 

With a combined experience of over 20 years in FASD research, the SalfordFASD team is led by three professors: Penny Cook, Clare Allely, and Raja Mukherjee. Each of the team has expertise on different aspects of FASD research, ranging from prevalence/epidemiology, trauma/neglect, prevention interventions with midwives, development and delivery of interventions to support those with FASD, to social workers and criminal justice research. 

Professor Penny Cook said: “We are delighted to have been recognised as the leading research group in the UK on this important topic. Awareness of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is still surprisingly low given how common it is; our research shows it affects 2-4% of children. This makes it more common than autism, but it is underdiagnosed. “This ranking is testament to the hard work of our incredible team, as well as the families and individuals affected by FASD who we work alongside.”

The research team will be hosting a one-day conference on FASD on Thursday 30 March 2023, to celebrate the progress made in knowledge and understanding of the condition in the UK in over the past twenty years and to highlight the current priorities. 

SalfordFASD team at the International European FASD conference in Arendal, Norway

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