
Salford academic appointed to REF assessment panel

Categories: School of Health and Society

The University of Salford’s Professor Garry Crawford (pictured) has been appointed to the expert panels that will assess submissions to the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021.

Professor Garry Crawford portrait

Over 200 new members, assessors and specialist advisers have been appointed to the REF sub-panels, following a nomination process earlier this year. 

The new panellists include leading researchers from across a range of universities in the UK and beyond, and experts in the use and benefits of research who will play a key role in assessing the wider impact of research. 

The 34 expert sub-panels will carry out the detailed assessment of submissions between May 2021 and February 2022, working under the guidance of four main panels.

An initial set of appointments to the sub-panels was made in 2018 for the criteria-setting phase of REF. Following analysis of universities’ submission intentions early in 2020, the panels identified where further expertise would be needed to ensure each can assess the expected breadth and volume of submitted material. Nominations were sought for further candidates in the specified areas, with the nominations call extended from its original timeframe in light of Covid-19.

Professor Crawford has been selected due to his research experience in the areas of games studies and audience research.

On his appointment, Professor Crawford said: “I am delighted to join the expert panel as an assessor and to put my research expertise towards assessing REF submissions. At the initial appointment stage, over 4,000 nominations were made for roles across the four main panels and the 34 sub-panels, so it is a huge honour to be selected.”

Some further appointments are still to be made, filling remaining gaps in expertise. The published list of members will be updated when these appointments are finalised.

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