Raymond Ada attends the AITVM-STVM conference
Raymond Ada, student at the University of Salford, attended the 3rd joint conference of the AITVM-STVM in Montpellier, France. Read on to hear how it went.

Between 21st-24th May 2024, 3rd year PhD student Raymond headed to Montpellier, France, for the 3rd joint conference of the AITVM-STVM. The meeting discussed the framework of the One Health approach and adaptation to present challenges around veterinary tropical medicine focusing on adaptive designs for improved disease surveillance, adaptive methodologies for researchers and transdisciplinary approaches.
As part of his participation, he delivered a speed talk and exhibited a poster of his work. He said, "The best experience was networking with such a diverse range of researchers, both within and beyond my area of knowledge. The main takeaway message was how important it is for countries to collaborate and face these challenges to enhance human and animal health in tropical areas."
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