
Philanthropy in action – our year in numbers

Categories: University Campus

With over 200,000 University of Salford alumni across all industry sectors, the Philanthropy, Alumni and Supporter Engagement Team is dedicated to retaining a lifelong relationship with our graduates and supporting them as they enter the next stage in their life.

We dedicate our time to championing our alumni, ensuring that they always feel part of that University of Salford community, no matter when they graduated and what their chosen career path is. Amongst other vital activities, the team will focus on things such as:

  • Engaging with alumni to enhance the experience, employability and opportunities for students and staff across the institution through their time, expertise, connections and support.  
  • Raising vital philanthropic funding which directly impact our students and support the advancement of the university and delivery of its strategic objectives.
  • Raising the University’s profile on a local, national and international level by building a vibrant community of alumni across the world.

In addition to this, we build strong and fruitful relationships with industry partners and charitable trusts and foundations to raise further funds to support access and outreach, campus development and world-leading research.

As we enter a new academic year, we have some amazing highlights to share with you from the last year, all of which are thanks to the close relationships we’ve forged with our alumni, industry partners and charitable trusts.

In the last year, here are just some of our achievements:

  • Over £1.5m has been donated and pledged to support a wide range of causes and projects across campus.
  • 8 student-focused projects through Salford Advantage Fund and REVIVE have been supported this year which includes projects such as, Univision, the University of Salford Heritage Trail and a Creative Exchange Week.
  • 47 students and recent graduates received a Donor-Funded Scholarship or Bursary for the academic year of 2023/24.  
  • IntoUniversity Salford Central has worked with nearly 1,000 students aged 7-18 to help support their pathway to higher education, with funding for this amazing scheme coming from our generous corporate supporters.
  • £123k of National Lottery Heritage Funding was secured for Salford alumnus Craig Easton’s photography project Is Anybody Listening? Our Time, Our Place with over 41,000 people having viewed the exhibition.
  • We hit our £500k fundraising milestone for Friends of Energy House 2.0 to support our efforts towards reaching net zero.
  • We have funded 40 places on Plug Into Salford, which is our own unique programme to help support first-in-family students joining the university.
  • 282 alumni from only the last 12 months alone have contributed towards these achievements.
  • Over £20k has been raised to support our students who identify as care leavers or care experienced, with each eligible student receiving an annual £1,100 cash bursary for the minimum duration of their course.

If you have any queries for our team or any of our work then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with alumni@salford.ac.uk or supporters@salford.ac.uk 


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