
Fine Art student wins competition to install mural at Chiquito Manchester Printworks

Categories: School of Arts, Media and Creative Technology

Mia Pike, a second year BA Fine Art student, won a public vote to have her original design installed onto a wall in Chiquito’s Manchester Printworks restaurant.

Mia Pike

Earlier this year, Chiquito approached the University with a competition, which was an open call for students to submit a design for a mural. The theme of the design was ‘Mexico meets Manchester’, and the competition winner would have the opportunity to paint their mural in the Chiquito restaurant located at The Printworks in Manchester City Centre.

Mia, a talented artist, has previously installed her own murals at various locations, such as The Queens pub in Hyde. So, when the opportunity arose for this competition, Mia took it upon herself to draft her own unique design and submitted it.

The finalists consisting of Mia and two other students, Katherine and India - which went to a public vote on Chiquito’s official Instagram. It was a very close race, but ultimately Mia won with a grand total of 1,221 votes.

On the competition and Mia’s success, Chiquito said:

“We set out with the intention of finding a young and talented artist to capture the spirit of both Manchester and Mexico and we really wanted something that reflected the sense of community in Manchester. We were really impressed by all the entries and also by the amount of votes that all three shortlisted artists received – we can’t wait to see Mia’s work come to life and we know our guests are going to love it!”

Mia incorporated Manchester bees, elements of Cinco De Mayo, and took inspiration for colour from artwork that is displayed within all Chiquito’s restaurants, all to encapsulate the theme of ‘Mexico meets Manchester’.

The mural installation took Mia just under a week to complete, and for her next project, she is looking at putting together an art exhibition with other students in the upcoming months.

Mia’s mural is available to see now at Chiquito Manchester Printworks.

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