
Expert comment: The value of Valentines Day

Categories: Salford Business School

February has commonly been associated as the month of romance across the world. Synonymously associated with a day of gift-giving, romantic getaways and spending time with your loved one, this celebration has evolved over time and now a great deal of marketing is involved, to the point where many businesses rely on this consumer holiday year in year out. Here Gordon Fletcher looks at the value of the day to the retail sector.

Having Valentine's Day fall on Monday is the eleven year event that always helps to reconfirm the cliches about wilted flowers belatedly bought at garages across the country. Invariably a Monday celebration is a lower-key affair. While some restaurants and cafes have promoted offers to encourage romantic dining others have chosen to maintain their routines and stayed closed this Monday. The media has focused on the love stories of footballers, what it means to be single today and even a noticeably anti-commercial trend in their reporting Valentine's Day.

A Monday Valentine's Day neatly captures the uncertainty and diversity of opinion of the times. For some, any excuse to celebrate is to be embraced enthusiastically. While others are still taking fully masked tentative steps to a distantly remembered normality.

For shops of all sizes, Valentine's Day marks an important point in the retail calendar. Some of the more ambitious retailers have had a dedicated seasonal festive chocolate and sweets bay on display since Christmas. But now comes the final push to sell eggs and rabbit shaped items. Only one month left until Easter.

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