Research Data Management Policy

The University’s Research Data Management Policy sets out requirements for managing data throughout the research lifecycle.



The University of Salford Research Data Management Policy outlines the University’s requirements for research data management (RDM) before, during and after a research project’s lifecycle. The University champions good practice in research data management because it is integral to high-quality research and aligns with funder requirements and the values and priorities set out in the Innovation Strategy 2021-26.


The Research Data Management Policy applies to all research activities involving the collection, analysis, and storage of digital and physical research data conducted by University staff, postgraduate research students enrolled on a research degree, visiting or emeritus staff, associates, holders of honorary and clinical contracts, contractors and consultants and others working on the University premises or carrying out research activity in the name, or on behalf of the University of Salford, and across all subject disciplines and fields of study.

The policy does not apply to postgraduate taught students or undergraduates, but best research practice is recommended, and support and guidance is available to everyone.


The RDM Policy is supported by, and should be read in conjunction with, the Research Data Management guidance published on the Library’s webpages. 

For help with policy compliance, please contact the research support team.