Open Access Policy

The University of Salford Open Access Policy, ensures that all research outputs produced by staff and postgraduate students are accessible to the public and comply with funder requirements. This includes peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers authored or co-authored by our staff and students that have been accepted for publication.

According to the policy, staff and postgraduate students must submit their journal articles or conference contributions with an ISSN to USIR via Worktribe at the point of acceptance for publication, and no later than three months after that date. The version of the paper that needs to be submitted is the final version submitted by the author(s) before formal acceptance for publication.

When possible and where there is a funding mandate, authors should make their journal articles and conference contributions available under an open license, preferably a Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0) license. This allows others to freely access, use, and share the work with proper attribution.

Researchers are also encouraged to share other forms of research, such as data, theses, videos, and code, on an open access basis. These outputs should be made available in USIR or other appropriate repositories as soon as possible.

To comply with the policy, researchers should also consider other relevant requirements, including:

 Additionally, researchers must adhere to the policies of all funders who have supported their research.