Return books and resources

Borrowing and returning a book

Running time: 0:41

How things will work at our different sites

At Clifford Whitworth - There are dedicated 'book bins' for you to return your books to, one bin located just inside the entrance and one by the exit of the building.

At MediaCityUK - Please return books to the Enquiry Desk during staffed hours of 9am to 5pm. Outside staffed hours, please return books in the book drop-off box beside the laptop lockers on the first floor.

At Allerton Learning Space - Please return books to the Enquiry Desk during staffed hours of 9am to 5pm. Outside staffed hours, please return books in the book drop-off box beside the laptop lockers on the first floor.

Leaving Uni in 2024?

Leaving University this year? Please return your books to the Library before you go.

How to return

Use any one of the white drop-off boxes at Clifford Whitworth Library, Allerton Learning Space or Media City, or hand your books to a member of library staff.

If you are unable to return your books in person, you may be able to use the postal service. Please contact a member of library staff to find out more.

When to return

As soon as possible, or before leaving the University of Salford.

Any questions?

Contact the Library for help



Got a problem? We can help!


I have a book to return but can't get to campus