You Want It service

Request any library item not in our collection. We'll try to acquire it through purchase or borrowing. Check library search before making a request.


If we don't have the library item you want in our collection, tell us and we'll try to acquire it. We will either purchase it or borrow it from another library. We buy ebooks whenever we can as this increases access to titles.

Before requesting an item you must first check that it is not already available in Library Search. We will not purchase items that we already haveIf more than one copy is required or it is Reading List material, please see alternative purchase suggestion routes below. 

If you want us to collect an existing item off the library shelves for you, try the Click and Collect service.

The request allowances for this service are:

User group Request allowance per academic year
Staff Unlimited requests
Postgraduate – Research Unlimited requests
Postgraduate – Taught 30 requests per academic year
Undergraduate – Final year 30 requests in final year
Undergraduate 10 requests per academic year

Alternative purchase suggestion routes

  1. Lecturers needing books for a reading list should see Reading Lists or contact an Academic Support Librarian.
  2. Students can use the Library Champions scheme if an item you want is always in use or would be of benefit to other students.