Turning a passion into a career: Zhiyi's story

A group of four students, two sat down, two stood up talking around a laptop in a classroom

Zhiyi earned two Bachelors of Arts degrees in Digital Media Arts but wanted to break into the gaming industry so decided to study our MSc Games and Extended Reality.

Keep reading to explore her experiences studying at Salford.

Studying at Salford

“I was a little worried before I started my course because I didn’t have any experience in the technical aspects of game development such as coding. However, I realised very quickly that the course was still suitable for me as a student without this knowledge.

The tutors will help you to gain the skills you need and teach you about the amazing software used by the sector. Not only do your lecturers help you in class, but they will talk to you in their own time and patiently help you with whatever problem you’re facing.

One of the most interesting things about this course is that we’re not only exposed to the most creative technologies for developing games, but we also explore the deeper value of games. As a devoted gamer, I believe that gaming brings more to the table than just entertainment.

The course also explores new technologies such as AI and how this can be combined with game engines. Throughout the programme, I’ve felt the power of AI and how this works with the functionality of game engines to allow the audience to connect with games in a completely new way.”

Making friends

“Both the School of Arts, Media and Creative Technology and the University of Salford organise events and activities throughout the academic year to promote international student exchange and engagement.

When I first arrived, both my fellow students and staff were very enthusiastic about showing me around Salford and Manchester. This really helped me settle into my new environment.

I also thoroughly enjoy my classes because all the students love games and are very passionate about the industry which makes it an interesting environment to study in.”

Looking towards the future

“I see this course as a stepping stone to working in the games industry. I’ve always had a partial understanding of games but through this course, I've been able to combine my previous experience with continuous innovation and exploration.

In the future, I plan to enter a related industry and continuously look for more opportunities to learn. Ultimately, I want to carve out my own brand and style within the sector.

My advice to other international students is to have a clear goal and direction as this will constantly motivate you to seek new, creative ways of working. At the same time, effectively communicate with your teachers and classmates because this is how you will find more opportunities and inspiration.”